22 sept 2009

Environmental history Vol. 14, No. 2 april 2009


Mark Carey
Latin American Environmental History: Current Trends, Interdisciplinary Insights, and Future Directions.

Tait Keller.
The Mountains Roar: THE Alps during the Great War

Robert Gardner
Constructing a Technological Forest: Naturee, Culture, and Tree-Planting in the Nebraska Sand Hills

Robert Gottlieb
The Next Environmentalism: How Movements Respond to the Changes that Elections Bring - From Nixon to Obama.


Robert N. Chester III and Nicolaas Mink
Having Our Cake and Eating It Too: Food's Place in Environmental History, a Forum

Nicolaas Mink.
It Begins in the Belly

Robert N. Chester III
Sensory Deprevation: Taste as a Useful Category of Analysis in Environmental History

Jane Dusselier
Understandings of Food as Culture

Nancy Shoemaker
Food and the Intimate Environment


Elizabeth Flint
On Jackson Lake Lodge


John Opie

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