31 ago 2012

Comparative political studies, 45 (3), march 2012


Jensen, Nathan M. and René Lindstädt
Leaning Right and Learning From the Left: Diffusion of Corporate Tax Policy Across Borders

Barrington, Lowell W.
Fragile Snapshot or Stable Relationships?: What the Orange and Rose Revolutions Reveal About the Stability of Cross-Sectional Survey Data

Maeda, Ko
An Irrational Party of Rational Members: The Collision of Legislators’ Reelection Quest With Party Success in the Japan Socialist Party

Abrahms, Max
The Political Effectiveness of Terrorism Revisited

Book Reviews

Graeme B. Robertson
Book Review: State Building in Putin’s Russia: Policing and Coercion After Communism

Gulnaz Sharafutdinova
Book Review: The Politics of Protest in Hybrid Regimes: Managing Dissent in Post-Communist Russia

Brian D. Taylor
Book Review: Political Consequences of Crony Capitalism Inside Russia

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Comparative political studies, 45 (3), february 2012


Goodnow, Regina and Robert G. Moser
Layers of Ethnicity: The Effects of Ethnic Federalism, Majority-Minority Districts, and Minority Concentration on the Electoral Success of Ethnic Minorities in Russia

Zehavi, Amos
Welfare State Politics in Privatization of Delivery: Linking Program Constituencies to Left and Right

Carroll, Royce and Gary W. Cox
Shadowing Ministers: Monitoring Partners in Coalition Governments

Schedler, Andreas
The Measurer’s Dilemma: Coordination Failures in Cross-National Political Data Collection

Book Reviews

Yu Sasaki
Book review: Immigration and Conflict in Europe

Cynthia M. Horne
Book review: Between Law and Diplomacy: The Social Contexts of Disputing at the World Trade Organization

Jerry Lavery
Book review: The Curse of Berlin: Africa After the Cold War

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Comparative political studies, 45 (1), january 2012


Jamal, Manal A. 
Democracy Promotion, Civil Society Building, and the Primacy of Politics

Hsueh, Roselyn 
China and India in the Age of Globalization: Sectoral Variation in Postliberalization Reregulation

Martínez-Gallardo, Cecilia 
Out of the Cabinet: What Drives Defections From the Government in Presidential Systems?

Hellwig, Timothy 
Constructing Accountability: Party Position Taking and Economic Voting

Porta, Donatella della and Sidney Tarrow
Interactive Diffusion: The Coevolution of Police and Protest Behavior With an Application to Transnational Contention

Book Reviews

Amelia Hoover Green
Book Review: Genocide and the Europeans

Paul Kubicek
Book Review: Building States and Markets After Communism: The Perils of Polarized Democracy

Sarah Sunn Bush
Book Review: Determinants of Democratization: Explaining Regime Change in the World, 1972–2006

Comparative political studies, 45 (4), april 2012

In Memoriam

Caporaso James A.
Henry Teune (1936–2011)


Horne, Cynthia M.
Assessing the Impact of Lustration on Trust in Public Institutions and National Government in Central and Eastern Europe

Biela, Jan ; Annika Hennl, and André Kaiser
Combining Federalism and Decentralization: Comparative Case Studies on Regional Development Policies in Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, and Ireland

Fitzgerald, Jennifer ; K. Amber Curtis, and Catherine L. Corliss
Anxious Publics: Worries About Crime and Immigration

Adams, James ; Jane Green, and Caitlin Milazzo
Has the British Public Depolarized Along With Political Elites? An American Perspective on British Public Opinion

Book Reviews

R. Douglas Hecock
Book Review: Venezuela’s Chavismo and Populism in Comparative Perspective

Susan M. Jellissen
Book Review: Elections and Distributive Politics in Mubarak’s Egypt

John A. Doces
Book Review: The New Global Rulers: The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy

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Comparative political studies, 43, 8-9, august-september 2010

The Historical Turn in Democratization Studies

Edited by: Giovanni Capoccia and Daniel Ziblatt

Giovanni Capoccia and

Daniel Ziblatt
The Historical Turn in Democratization Studies: A New Research Agenda for Europe and Beyond


Zachary Elkins
Diffusion and the Constitutionalization of Europe

Thomas Ertman
The Great Reform Act of 1832 and British Democratization

Stephen E. Hanson
The Founding of the French Third Republic

Amel Ahmed
Reading History Forward: The Origins of Electoral Systems in European Democracies

Jeffrey S. Kopstein and Jason Wittenberg
Beyond Dictatorship and Democracy: Rethinking National Minority Inclusion and Regime Type in Interwar Eastern Europe

Nancy Bermeo
Interests, Inequality, and Illusion in the Choice for Fair Elections

Kurt Weyland
The Diffusion of Regime Contention in European Democratization, 1830-1940

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Comparative political studies, 43 (10) October 2010


Stephanie S. Holmsten, Robert G. Moser, and Mary C. Slosar
Do Ethnic Parties Exclude Women?

Maria Popova
Political Competition as an Obstacle to Judicial Independence: Evidence From Russia and Ukraine

Jennifer L. Bussell
Why Get Technical? Corruption and the Politics of Public Service Reform in the Indian States

Stephen D. Morris and Joseph L. Klesner
Corruption and Trust: Theoretical Considerations and Evidence From Mexico

Abraham L. Newman
What You Want Depends on What You Know: Firm Preferences in an Information Age

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American Sociological Review, 77 (2), april 2012


Gauchat, Gordon
Politicization of Science in the Public Sphere: A Study of Public Trust in the United States, 1974 to 2010

Kim, Hyojoung and Steven Pfaff
Structure and Dynamics of Religious Insurgency: Students and the Spread of the Reformation

Wildeman, Christopher : Jason Schnittker and Kristin Turney
Despair by Association? The Mental Health of Mothers with Children by Recently Incarcerated Fathers

Rippeyoung, Phyllis L. F. and Mary C. Noonan
Is Breastfeeding Truly Cost Free? Income Consequences of Breastfeeding for Women

Goldstein, Adam
Revenge of the Managers: Labor Cost-Cutting and the Paradoxical Resurgence of Managerialism in the Shareholder Value Era, 1984 to 2001

Hamm, Patrick : Lawrence P. King and David Stuckler
Mass Privatization, State Capacity, and Economic Growth in Post-Communist Countries

29 ago 2012

Gender and society, 26 (2), april 2012

Wilkins, Amy C.
Stigma and Status: Interracial Intimacy and Intersectional Identities among Black College Men

 Ezzell, Matthew B.
“I’m in Control”: Compensatory Manhood in a Therapeutic Community

Stroud, Angela
Good Guys With Guns: Hegemonic Masculinity and Concealed Handguns

Elizabeth,Vivienne, Nicola Gavey, and Julia Tolmie
“. . . He’s Just Swapped His Fists for the System” The Governance of Gender through Custody Law

Johnson, Katherine M. and Richard M. Simon
Women’s Attitudes Toward Biomedical Technology for Infertility: The Case for Technological Salience

Riegle-Crumb, Catherine and Melissa Humphries
Exploring Bias in Math Teachers’ Perceptions of Students’ Ability by Gender and Race/Ethnicity

Book reviews

Jessie Klein
Book Review: Gun Crusaders: The NRA’s Culture War

William Marsiglio
Book Review: Make Room for Daddy: The Journey from Waiting Room to Birthing Room

Marybeth C. Stalp
Book Review: Makeover TV: Selfhood, Citizenship, and Celebrity and Fix Me Up: Essays on Television Dating and Makeover Shows

Martha E. Lang
Book Review: Ladies and Gents: Public Toilets and Gender

Tammy L. Anderson
Book Review: Club Cultures: Boundaries, Identities and Otherness

Deborah A. Sullivan
Book Review: Cosmetic Surgery: A Feminist Primer

Amy Sorensen
Book Review: By Himself: The Older Man’s Experience of Widowhood

Kimberly Kelly
Book Review: The Politics of Motherhood: Maternity and Women’s Rights in Twentieth-Century Chile

Sarah Bruce Bernal
Book Review: Divided by Borders: Mexican Migrants and Their Children

Maria Isabel Ayala
Book Review: Violence against Latina Immigrants: Citizenship, Inequality, and Community and Violence and Activism at the Border: Gender, Fear, and Everyday Life in Ciudad Juarez

Susan J. Wurtzburg
Book Review: Rape as a Part of Domestic Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Case Narratives and Official Reports

Crystal A. Jackson
Book Review: Taking the Crime Out of Sex Work: New Zealand Sex Workers’ Fight for Decriminalisation

10 ago 2012

Human Organization, 71 (1), spring 2012

The Role of Agent Types in Detecting and Responding to Environmental Change
Lilian Alessa and Andrew Kliskey

The Blame Game on the Border: Perceptions of Environmental Degradation on the United States-Mexico Border
Lisa M. Meierotto

 Depending on Context: Counterintuitive Uses of Focus Groups in Mixed-Method Ethnographic Research
Sarah Hautzinger

Sexual Partners of Street-Based Female Sex Workers in St. Petersburg, Russia: A Model of Partnership Characteristics as a Basis for Further Research
Olga S. Levina, Robert Heimer, Veronika Odinokova, et al.

Access to Catch-Up HPV Vaccination among Latina University Students
Lesly-Marie Clevenger, Susan Dreisbach, Jean N. Scandlyn, et al.

Volunteerism or Labor Exploitation? Harnessing the Volunteer Spirit to Sustain AIDS Treatment Programs in Urban Ethiopia
Kenneth Maes

The Cultural Conceptions of Dengue Fever in the Cayo District of Belize
Lauren Smith

Democratizing Water Governance from the Grassroots: The Development of Interjuntas Chimborazo in the Ecuadorian Andes
Jaime Hoogesteger

"We Know Our Worth": Lessons from a Fair Trade Coffee Cooperative in Honduras
Erin Smith and William M. Loker

Overcoming Barriers to Collective Action in Community-Based Fisheries Management in the Amazon
Patricia Fernanda Pinho, Ben Orlove, Mark Lubell

Environmental Governance as Embedded Process: Managing Change in Two Community-Based Forestry Organizations
Peter Leigh Taylor and Antony S. Cheng

The Americas, 68 (4), april 2012


Beard-Pulling and Furniture-Rearranging: Conflict Within the Seventeenth-Century Audiencia of Santo Domingo
Marc Eagle

Fleeing into Slavery: The Insurgent Geographies of Brazilian Quilombolas (Maroons), 1880-1881
Yuko Miki

A Catholic Alternative to Revolution: The Survival of Social Catholicism in Postrevolutionary Mexico
Stephen J. C. Andes

Bandits, Elvis, and Other Mystics: An Interview with Paul Vanderwood
Eric Van Young

Inter-American Notes
Will Fowler


Brazil's Steel City: Developmentalism, Strategic Power, and Industrial Relations in Volta Redonda, 1941-1964(review)
John D. French

Nation-building and Nationalism
Mexicans in Revolution, 1910-1946: An Introduction (review)
Frank J. Klackle

The Vigorous Core of Our Nationality: Race and Regional Identity in Northeastern Brazil (review)
Jerry Dávila

History and Memory
Cuauhtémoc's Bones: Forging National Identity in Modern Mexico (review)
Eric Van Young

Where Memory Dwells. Culture and State Violence in Chile (review)
Roberto Castillo Sandoval

Cultural and Literary Studies
The Pueblo Revolt and the Mythology of Conquest: An Indigenous Archaeology of Contact (review)
Susan Schroeder

Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship (review)
Darien Lamen

Juggling Identities: Identity and Authenticity Among the Crypto-Jews (review)
Frances Levine

Writing National Cinema: Film Journals and Film Culture in Peru (review)
Beatriz Urraca

Global and Transnational History
The Other West: Latin America from Invasion to Globalization (review)
Arthur Schmidt

Storytelling Globalization from the Chaco and Beyond (review)
Alberto Arce

The Tourism Encounter: Fashioning Latin American Nations and Histories (review)
Arlene Dávila

Beyond Displacement: Campesinos, Refugees, and Collective Action in the Salvadoran Civil War (review)
Ellen Moodie

A Tale of Two Cities: Santo Domingo and New York After 1950 (review)
Themis Chronopoulos

Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects, and American Modernities (review)
Debra A. Castillo

William Clark's World: Describing America in an Age of Unknowns (review)
Lina Del Castillo

Politics and Governance
Dignifying Argentina: Peronism, Citizenship, and Mass Consumption (review)
Matthew B. Karush

The Practice of Politics in Postcolonial Brazil: Porto Alegre, 1845-1895 (review)
Elizabeth A. Kuznesof

Medicine and Politics in Colonial Peru: Population Growth and the Bourbon Reforms (review)
Paula S. De Vos

Religion and Religious Practices
Like Leaven in the Dough: Protestant Social Thought in Latin America, 1920-1950 (review)
Karla Ann Koll

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International journal of urban and regional research, 36 (1), january 2012

Urban Worlds

Stretching Urban Renaissance: Privatizing Space, Civilizing Place, Summoning ‘Community’
Gordon Macleod and Craig Johnstone


Separate and Unequal: The Consumption of Public Education in Post-Katrina New Orleans
Joshua M. Akers

Targeted Assistance and Social Capital: Housing Policy in Chile's Neoliberal Democracy
Paul W. Posner

Neoliberalization of the Developmental State: Tokyo's Bottom-Up Politics and State Rescaling in Japan
Takashi Tsukamoto

Neoliberal Experiments with Urban Infrastructure: The Cross City Tunnel, Sydney
Graham Haughton And Phil Mcmanus

The Changing Meaning of Community Space: Two Models of NGO Management of Community Gardens in New York City
Efrat Eizenberg

The Encroachment of Value Pragmatism on Pluralism: The Practice of the Valuation of Urban Green Space Using Stated-preference Approaches
Alex Y. Lo

When Life Itself is War: On the Urbanization of Military and Security Doctrine
Stephen Graham

Debates and Developments

Rethinking the Conceptual Foundations of Evolutionary Economic Geography: Introduction to a Debate
Dragos Simandan

Path Dependence: A Political Economy Perspective
Stijn Oosterlynck

Beyond Lock-in versus Evolution, towards Punctuated Co-evolution: On Ron Martin's ‘Rethinking Regional Path Dependence’
Jan Drahokoupil

Options for Moving beyond the Canonical Model of Regional Path Dependence
Dragos Simandan

(Re)Placing Path Dependence: A Response to the Debate
Ron Martin

Book Reviews

In Search of Paradise: Middle-Class Living in a Chinese Metropolis – By Li Zhang. Marginalization in Urban China: Comparative Perspectives – Edited by Fulong Wu and Chris Webster
John Friedmann

Gated Communities in China: Class, Privilege and the Moral Politics of the Good Life – By Choon-Piew Pow
Rowland Atkinson

Beyond Preservation: Using Public History to Revitalize Inner Cities – By Andrew Hurley
John Hans I. Gilderbloom and Abu M. Sufiyan

Contesting Community: The Limits and Potential of Local Organizing – By James DeFilippis, Robert Fisher and Eric Shragge
Heidi M.R. Reijm

The Spaces of the Modern City: Imaginaries, Politics, and Everyday Life – Edited by Gyan Prakash and Kevin M. Kruse
Leeke Reinders

Political Branding in Cities. The Decline of Machine Politics in Bogotá, Naples, and Chicago – By Eleonora Pasotti
Gilles Pinson

How it Works: Recovering Citizens in Post-Welfare Philadelphia – By Robert P. Fairbanks
Desiree Fields

Needed by Nobody. Homelessness and Humanness in Post-Socialist Russia – By Tova Höjdestrand
Elitza Stanoeva

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Language variation and change, 23 (3), 2011

Research Articles

Age grading in the Montréal French inflected future
Wagner, Suzanne Evans and Gillian Sankoff

Weakening resistance: Progress toward the low back merger in New York State
Dinkin, Aaron J.

Variability in American English s-retraction suggests a solution to the actuation problem
Baker, Adam ; Diana Archangeli and Jeff Mielke

Variable “subject” presence in Australian Sign Language and New Zealand Sign Language
McKee, Rachel ; Adam Schembri ; David McKee and Trevor Johnston

Cognitive and social forces in dialect shift: Gradual change in London Asian speech
Sharma, Devyani and Lavanya Sankaran

Natural language semantics, 19 (3), autumn 2011

Lidz,Jeffrey ; Paul Pietroski ; Justin Halberda and Tim Hunter
Interface transparency and the psychosemantics of most

Presuppositional and negative islands: a semantic account
Abrusán, Márta

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Publicaciones Electronicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Natural language semantics, 19 (2), summer 2011

Licensing strong NPIs
Gajewski, Jon R.

Maximize Presupposition! and local contexts
Singh, Raj

Scales and comparison classes
Bale, Alan Clinton

Scale structure, coercion, and the interpretation of measure phrases in Japanese
Sawada, Osamu  and Thomas Grano

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Publicaciones Electronicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Natural language semantics, 19 (1), spring 2011

Parasitic degree phrases
Nissenbaum, Jon  and Bernhard Schwarz

Metalinguistic comparison in an alternative semantics for imprecision
Morzycki, Marcin

On the characterization of alternatives
Fox, Danny  and Roni Katzir

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Publicaciones Electronicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, 58 (4bis), supplément 2011

Le métier d’historien à l’ère numérique : nouveaux outils, nouvelle épistémologie ?


Delalande, Nicolas et Julien Vincent
Portrait de L'historien-Ne en Cyborg

La Science Historique à L'épreuve du Numérique

Rygiel, Philippe
L'enquête Historique à L'ère Numérique

Brian, Éric
L'horizon Nouveau de L'historiographie Expérimentale

Les Nouvelles Pratiques de l'atelier Numérique

Potin, Yann
Institutions et Pratiques d'archives Face à la « Numérisation ». Expériences et Malentendus

Heimburger, Franziska et Émilien Ruiz
Faire de L'histoire à l'ère Numérique : Retours d'expériences

Internet : Infrastructures et Communication

Pinol, Jean-Luc
Une Infrastructure Pour Les SHS : Le Tge Adonis

Mounier, Pierre
Ouvrir l'atelier de L'historien. Médias Sociaux et Carnets de Recherche en Ligne

Le Numérique au Service de L'analyse Spatiale

Pinol,  Jean-Luc
Les Systèmes d'information Géographique et la Pratique le l'histoire

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Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, 58 (4), octobre-décembre 2011

Les Armes le L'écrit

Héloïse Hermant
Guerres de plumes et contestation politique : un espace public dans L'Espagne de la fin du XVIIe siècle ?

Benoît Agnès
Le « pétitionnaire universel » : les normes de la pétition en France et au royaume-uni pendant la première moitié du XIXe siècle

Politiques des Subalternes

Vanessa R. Caru
Où se loge le politique ? Mouvements de locataires et politisation des subalternes : Bombay, 1920-1940

Benoît Trépied
Des conduites d'eau pour les tribus. Action municipale, colonisation et citoyenneté en nouvelle-Calédonie


François Dumasy
Les transactions inégales de la domination

Florence Alazard
Une ou des renaissances ?

Étienne Anheim
L'historien et la psychanalyste

International history review, 33 (4), December 2011

Special Issue: Size Matters: Scales and Spaces in Transnational and Comparative History (Guest Editors: Bernhard Struck, Kate Ferris and Jacques Revel)


Struck, Bernhard ; Kate Ferris & Jacques Revel
Introduction: Space and Scale in Transnational History

Becucci, A.
Ottavio Piccolomini (1599–1656): A Case of Patronage from a Transnational Perspective

Sandell, Marie
Regional versus International: Women's Activism and Organisational Spaces in the Inter-war Period

Thier, Maike
The View from Paris: ‘Latinity’, ‘Anglo-Saxonism’, and the Americas, as discussed in the Revue des Races Latines, 1857–64

Whitling, Frederick
Relative Influence: Scholars, Institutions, and Academic Diplomacy in Post-War Rome. The Case of the German Libraries (1943–53)

Kitzinger, Denis
Towards a Model of Transnational Agency: the Case of Dietrich von Hildebrand

Häberlen, Joachim C.
Reflections on Comparative Everyday History: Practices in the Working-Class Movement in Leipzig and Lyon during the Early 1930s

Laqua, Daniel
The Tensions of Internationalism: Transnational Anti-Slavery in the 1880s and 1890s

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Race & class, 53 (2), october-december 2011

Black history – Black struggle

Jenny Bourne
Spaghetti House siege: making the rhetoric real

Avery F. Gordon
‘Seize the time’: an interview with Stephen Jones

The Attica Liberation Faction Manifesto of Demands

Christian Høgsbjerg
Mariner, renegade and castaway: Chris Braithwaite, seamen’s organiser and Pan-Africanist

Meredith L. Roman
Race, politics and US students in 1930s Soviet Russia


Hazel Waters
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s other novel – Dred on the London stage

Nancy Murray
Obama and the global war on terror

American sociological review, 77 (1), february 2012

2011 Presidential Address

Collins, Randall
C-Escalation and D-Escalation: A Theory of the Time-Dynamics of Conflict


Parker, John N. and Edward J. Hackett
Hot Spots and Hot Moments in Scientific Collaborations and Social Movements

Childress, C. Clayton and Noah E. Friedkin
Cultural Reception and Production: The Social Construction of Meaning in Book Clubs

Lim, Alwyn and Kiyoteru Tsutsui
Globalization and Commitment in Corporate Social Responsibility: Cross-National Analyses of Institutional and Political-Economy Effects

Sallaz, Jeffrey J.
Politics of Organizational Adornment: Lessons from Las Vegas and Beyond

Stets, Jan E. and Michael J. Carter
A Theory of the Self for the Sociology of Morality

Molm, Linda D. ; Monica M. Whitham, and David Melamed
Forms of Exchange and Integrative Bonds: Effects of History and Embeddedness

Narrative inquiry, 21 (2), 2011

Bamberg, Michael

O'Donnell, Hugh; Castelló, Enric
Neighbourhood squabbles or claims of right?: Narratives of conflict on Spanish and Catalan television

Dillon, Lisette
Writing the self: The emergence of a dialogic space

Scott, Julie-Ann
Attending to the disembodied character in research on professional narratives: How the performance analysis of physically disabled professionals' personal stories provides insight into the role of the body in narratives of professional identity

Elkad-Lehman, Ilana; Greensfeld, Hava
Intertextuality as an interpretative method in qualitative research

Lalvani, Priya
Constructing the (m)other: Dominant and contested narratives on mothering a child with Down syndrome

Forum Articles

Monteagudo, José González
Jerome Bruner and the challenges of the narrative turn: Then and now

Smorti, Andrea
Autobiographical memory and autobiographical narrative: What is the relationship?

Hammack, Phillip L.
Narrative and the politics of meaning

Gregg, Gary S.
Identity in life narratives

Daiute, Colette
Trouble-In, around, and between narratives

Czarniawska, Barbara
Narrating organization studies

Bhatia, Sunil
Narrative inquiry as cultural psychology: Meaning-making in a contested global world

Gee, James Paul
Stories, probes, and games

Holquist, Michael
Narrative reflections — After After Virtue

Ritivoi, Andreea Deciu
Virtuous selves in vicious times: Alasdair MacIntyre on narrative identity

Gergen, Kenneth J. ; Gergen, Mary M.
Narrative tensions: Perilous and productive

Lannamann, John W.; McNamee, Sheila
Narratives of the interactive moment

Westlund, Andrea C.
Narrative necessity and the fixity of meaning in a life

Woods, Angela
Post-narrative — An appeal

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Language problems & language planning, 35 (3), fall 2011

Giri, Ram Ashish
Languages and language politics: How invisible language politics produces visible results in Nepal

Coluzzi, Paolo
 Majority and minority language planning in Brunei Darussalam

Alhamid, Sofyan
La glottopolitique du contact linguistique hébreu-arabe en Palestine: Discours et représentations sociales


Sidorov, Anatol
Petro Stojan: From fervent interlinguist to forgotten hermit


Alan Libert. Daughters of Esperanto
Gobbo, Federico

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Robert Phillipson, Ajit K. Mohanty, and Minati Panda (eds.). Social Justice through Multilingual Education
Reagan, Timothy

John C. Wells. English-Esperanto-English Dictionary.
Rao, A. Giridhar

Humphrey Tonkin and Maria Esposito Frank (eds.). The Translator as Mediator of Cultures
Richmond, Ian M.

Nicholas Ostler. The Last Lingua Franca: English Until the Return of Babel
Lin, Xiao

Kim Potowski (ed.). Language Diversity in the USA.
St. Clair, Robert N.

Robert M. McKenzie. The Social Psychology of English as a Global Language: Attitudes, Awareness and Identity in the Japanese Context
Masaki, Yoshitake

Theresa Lillis and Mary Jane Curry. Academic Writing in a Global Context: The Politics and Practices of Publishing in English.
St. Clair, Robert N.

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Labor history, 52 (4), November 2011

Original Articles

Nijhuis, Dennie Oude
Explaining British voluntarism

Suarez-Potts, William
The railroad strike of 1927: labor and law after the Mexican Revolution

Collomp, Catherine
‘Anti-Semitism among American Labor’: a study by the refugee scholars of the Frankfurt School of Sociology at the end of World War II

Ritson, Neil H.
American multi-national corporations in the UK oil industry: sectoral differentiation in diffusion and adaptation

Phelan, Craig
Trade unions, democratic waves, and structural adjustment: the case of francophone West Africa

Messer-Kruse, Timothy
Strike or anarchist plot? The McCormick riot of 1886 reconsidered

Uhl, Karsten
Giving scientific management a ‘human’ face: the engine factory Deutz and a ‘German’ path to efficiency, 1910–1945


Labor History Symposium: Rohini Hensman, Workers, Unions and Global Capitalism: Lessons from India

Phelan, Craig
India’s workers and the global labour pool

Nigam, Aditya
Globalization , alter-globalization and workers’ rights

McKay, Sonia
Marginalised and precarious workers in an era of global capitalism

Breman, Jan
The underclasses of markind

Hensman, Rohini
Step by step, the longest march can be won

Review Essay

Walmart and the broken narrative of US labor history
Robert H. Zieger

Book Reviews

Cultures of Servitude: Modernity, Domesticity, and Class in India, by Raka Ray and Seemin Qayum
Manu Bhagavan

Sisters in the Brotherhoods: Working Women Organizing for Equality in New York City, by Jane LaTour
Sarah Elvins

Supervision and Authority in Industry: Western European Experiences, 1830–1939, edited by Patricia Van den Eeckhout
Gerald Friedman

>Brezhnev's Folly: The Building of BAM and Late Soviet Socialism, by Christopher J. Wardt
John Holmes

Democracy's Prisoner: Eugene V. Debs, the Great War, and the Right to Dissent, by Ernest Freeberg
Jacob Kramer

The Ties That Buy: Women and Commerce in Revolutionary America, by Ellen Hartigan-O’Connor
Jane T. Merritt

Integrazione internazionale e sviluppo interno, Stati Uniti e Italia nei programmi di riarmo del blocco atlantico (1945–1955), by Simone Selva
Chiara Passarin

The Crisis of Social Democratic Trade Unionism in Western Europe: The Search for Alternatives, by Martin Upchurch, Graham Taylor, and Andrew Mathers
Valeria Pulignano

The Unemployed People's Movement: Leftists, Liberals, and Labor in Georgia, 1929–1941, by James J. Lorence
Steve Rosswurm

Jewish Immigrants and American Capitalism, 1880–1920: From Caste to Class, by Eli Lederhendler
Daniel Soyer

Metal Fatigue: American Bosch and the Demise of Metalworking in the Connecticut River Valley, by Robert Forrant
Howard R. Stanger

Research on language and social interaction, 44 (4), October-december 2011

Original Articles

Weatherall, Ann
I don't know as a Prepositioned Epistemic Hedge

Butler, Carly W. ; Susan Danby & Michael Emmison
Address Terms in Turn Beginnings: Managing Disalignment and Disaffiliation in Telephone Counseling

Barnes, Scott E.
Claiming Mutual Stance: On the Use of that's right by a Person With Aphasia

Clark, Shannon J. & Pamela L. Hudak
When Surgeons Advise Against Surgery

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Journal of family history. studies in family, 37 (1), January 2012


Jaffary, Nora E.
Reconceiving Motherhood: Infanticide and Abortion in Colonial Mexico

Davidson, Denise Z.
“Happy” Marriages in Early Nineteenth-Century France

Ramey, Jessie B.
“I Dream of Them Almost Every Night”: Working-Class Fathers and Orphanages in Pittsburgh, 1878–1929

Djurdjev, Branislav ; Tamara Lukic and Milan Cvetanovic
Household Composition and the Well–Being of Rural Serbia in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century

Ros, Rosa
The Decline of Indivisible Inheritance in Catalonia: Artisans, Sailors, and Merchants in Two Catalan Towns (1780–1860)

Parkin, Katherine
“Glittering Mockery”: Twentieth-Century Leap Year Marriage Proposals

Gruber, Siegfried and Mikołaj Szołtysek
Stem Families, Joint Families, and the European Pattern: What Kind of a Reconsideration Do We Need?

Book Reviews

Lovell Stephen
Book Review: Breaking the Ties That Bound: The Politics of Marital Strife in Late Imperial Russia

Marsha L. Rozenblit
Book Review: Jews and Intermarriage in Nazi Austria

Lisa Vollendorf
Book Review: Widowhood in Early Modern Spain. Protectors, Proprietors, and Patrons

Marie Jenkins Schwartz
Book Review: Money over Mastery, Family over Freedom: Slavery in the Antebellum Upper South

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Eighteenth century studies, 45 (2), winter 2012


Huggins, Mike
Popular Culture and Sporting Life in the Rural Margins of Late Eighteenth-Century England: The World of Robert Anderson, ''The Cumberland Bard''

Domingo, Darryl P.
Unbending the Mind: or, Commercialized Leisure and the Rhetoric of Eighteenth-Century Diversion

Goehring, Edmund J.
A ''Don Juanized'' Macbeth on Austria's Enlightened Stage: Its Genesis, Its Critical Fortunes

Powell, Manushag N.
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil: Spectation and the Eighteenth-Century Public Sphere

Holowchak, M. Andrew
The ''Reluctant'' Politician: Thomas Jefferson's Debt to Epicurus

Review Articles

Mark K. Fulk
Early America in Transatlantic Context(s)

James P. Cousins
The Risks of Reward in Early America

Jesse Molesworth
Sterne and the Culture of Commemoration

Nicole Pohl
Lives and Letters

Nicholas F. Stang
The Virtues of Kantian Ethics

Swann Paradis, Jamie McLennan
The History of Quadrupeds

Jeremy Black
Responding to the Outside World

Single Title Reviews

Andrew C. Thompson
Debating Foreign Policy in Eighteenth-Century Britain (review)

Gwendolyn Midlo Hall
Captives & Voyagers: Black Migrants across the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic World (review)

Heather R. Peterson
Science and Empire in the Atlantic World (review)

Crystal B. Lake
Actions and Objects from Hobbes to Richardson (review)

Joël Castonguay-Bélanger
Essay on the Geography of Plants (review)

Anita Guerrini
The Lady Anatomist: The Life and Work of Anna Morandi Manzolini (review)

Mark K. Fulk
Anna Seward's Life of Erasmus Darwin (review)

Susan Taylor-Leduc
Dairy Queens: The Politics of Pastoral Architecture from Catherine de Medici to Marie-Antoinette (review)

Kate Grandjouan
Hogarth's Hidden Parts: Satiric Allusion, Erotic Wit, Blasphemous Bawdiness and Dark Humour in Eighteenth-Century English Art (review)

Kate Grandjouan
''Guess at the Rest'': Cracking the Hogarthian Code (review)

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Isegoría. Revista de filosofía moral y política, 45, julio-diciembre 2011


Mate, Reyes
Tratado de la injusticia. XX Conferencias Aranguren

Burke, Peter
Historias y Memorias: un enfoque comparativo

Zamora, José A.
Memoria e historia después de Auschwitz

Ferrándiz, Francisco
Autopsia social de un subtierro

Ette, Ottmar
Memoria, Historia, Saberes de la Convivencia. Del saber con/vivir de la literatura

Palermo, Sandra Viviana
El hilo sutil de la rememoración. Felicidad y redención histórica en la obra de Walter Benjamin

Notas y Discusiones

Jiménez Villarejo, Carlos
Memoria democrática: rehabilitación jurídica de las víctimas

Bartolomé Ruiz, Castor M. M.
Crítica a las tesis naturalistas de la vida humana. Un diálogo con Hannah Arendt

Rabe, Ana María
Memoria de la Shoah: el caso de Berlín

Colombo, Pamela
Espacio y desaparición: los campos de concentración en Argentina

Sánchez Cuervo, Antolín
Pasado inconcluso. Las tensiones entre la historia y la memoria bajo el signo del exilio

Palacio, Marta
La diferencia sexual en el pensamientode Emmanuel Levinas

Maldonado Barahona, Teresa
Ciencia, religión y feminismo

Chillón, José Manuel
Medios de comunicación, participación y deliberación. La faz republicana del periodismo informativo

Crítica de libros
Juan Mayorga, Alberto Sucasas, José A. Zamora, Jordi Maiso, Jesús Izquierdo Martín, Carlos Agüero Iglesia, Juan Carlos Velasco, Gabriel Bello Reguera, Marcos Santos Gómez, Ana Carrasco Conde, Marta García-Alonso, María G. Navarro, Iván Teimil García, Carlos Gómez Gómez


Aramayo, Roberto R.
Filosofía y cine

Martínez Lorca, Andrés
Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez: el legado fecundo de un filósofo marxista y el testimonio ejemplar de un republicano del exilio

Labrador Ben, Julia María
La generosa sabiduría de Alberto Sánchez Álvarez-Insúa

Equipo Editorial
Listado de evaluadores 2011

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Página Web: Isegoría. Revist

Revista de indias, 71 (253), septiembre-diciembre 2011

Dossier: «Tiempos de desconcierto». Política y sociedad en la independencia del Perú, 1820-1824. (Presentación)
Martínez Riaza, Ascensión y Núria Sala i Vila


«Para reintegrar la Nación». El Perú en la política negociadora del Trienio Liberal con los disidentes americanos, 1820-1824
Martínez Riaza, Ascensión

El Trienio Liberal en el Virreinato peruano: los ayuntamientos constitucionales de Arequipa, Cusco y Huamanga, 1820-1824
Sala i Vila, Núria

La pluma contra las Cortes y el Trono. La prensa y el desmontaje del liberalismo hispánico en el Perú, 1821-1824
Peralta Ruiz, Víctor

No una sino muchas repúblicas: una aproximación a las bases teóricas del republicanismo peruano, 1821-1834
McEvoy, Carmen

La política monetaria de San Martín en el Perú: papel por una plata ausente
Haro Romero, Dionisio de


Guerra y economía en Arequipa: las actividades del español Lucas de la Cotera en una coyuntura de crisis, 1821-1824
Condori, José Víctor

Frutales y agroindustria: conservas, aceites y maderas (Chile y Cuyo, 1550-1850)
Lacoste, Pablo ; José Antonio Yuri ; Marcela Aranda ; Amalia Castro ; Katherine Quinteros ; Mario Solar ; Natalia Soto ; Cristián Chávez

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Página Web: Revista de indias

Quaderni storici, 46, 138 (3), dicembre 2011


Gamberini, Andrea
Vescovo e conte. La fortuna di un titolo nell'Italia centro-settentrionale (secoli XI-XV)

Roscioni, Lisa
«Una storia così strana». Anomalie procedurali ed emergenza mistica nei processi inquisitoriali ai Pelagini e a Francesco Giuseppe Borri (1655-1671)

Denis-Delacour, Christopher
I gaetani di Ripa Grande. Essere sudditi pontifici sul mare nel Settecento

Cecere, Domenico
Suppliche, resistenze, protesta popolare. Le forme della lotta politica nella Calabria del Settecento

Consonni, Manuela
«O Auschwitz, ich kann dich nicht vergessen weil du bist mein Schicksal». Il corpo femminile e l'esperienza concentrazionaria

Discussioni e letture

A proposito di «Un oriente español» di Mercedes García- Arenal e Fernando Rodríguez Mediano
Rafael Benitez Sánchez-Blanco y Luis Fernando Bernabé Pons

A proposito di «Il welfare prima del welfare» di Angela Groppi
Chauvard, Jean-François, e Ida Fazio

8 ago 2012

Gender and society, 26 (1), february 2012

Misra, Joya
Introduction: Well, How Did I Get Here?

Symposia on the Contributions of Patricia Hill Collins

Collins, Patricia Hill
Looking Back, Moving Ahead: Scholarship in Service to Social Justice

Higginbotham, Elizabeth
Reflections on the Early Contributions of Patricia Hill Collins

Zinn, Maxine Baca
Patricia Hill Collins: Past and Future Innovations

Moore, Mignon R.
Intersectionality and the Study of Black, Sexual Minority Women

Choo, Hae Yeon
The Transnational Journey of Intersectionality

Yuval-Davis, Nira
Dialogical Epistemology—An Intersectional Resistance to the “Oppression Olympics”

Purkayastha, Bandana
Intersectionality in a Transnational World

Bose, Christine E.
Intersectionality and Global Gender Inequality


Christopher, Karen
Extensive Mothering: Employed Mothers’ Constructions of the Good Mother

Dworkin, Shari L.; Christopher Colvin ; Abbey Hatcher ; and Dean Peacock
Men’s Perceptions of Women’s Rights and Changing Gender Relations in South Africa: Lessons for Working With Men and Boys in HIV and Antiviolence Programs

Book review

Samantha Kwan
Book Review: The Managed Hand: Race, Gender, and the Body in Beauty Service Work

Sheryl Skaggs
Book Review: Race, Gender, and the Labor Market: Inequalities at Work

Adia Harvey Wingfield
Book Review: Digesting Race, Class, and Gender: Sugar as Metaphor

Amanda Marie Gengler
Book Review: Wealth, Whiteness, and the Matrix of Privilege: The View from the Country Club

Mary Tuominen
Book Review: Forced to Care: Coercion and Caregiving in America

Elizabeth Miklya Legerski
Book Review: Intimate Labors: Cultures, Technologies, and the Politics of Care

Psyche Williams-Forson
Book Review: Cooking in Other Women’s Kitchens: Domestic Workers in the South, 1865-1960

Jennifer A. Reich
Book Review: Selling Welfare Reform: Work-First and the New Common Sense of Employment

Olivia R. Hetzler
Book Review: Hard Lives, Mean Streets: Violence in the Lives of Homeless Women

Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
Book Review: Mexican Women and the Other Side of Immigration: Engendering Transnational Ties

Earl Smith
Book Review: Through Our Eyes: African American Men’s Experiences of Race, Gender, and Violence

Matthew Thomann
Book Review: Maskulinitas: Culture, Gender and Politics in Indonesia

Elizabeth Ransom
Book Review: Gender Circuits: Bodies and Identities in a Technological Age

Angela M. Moe
Book Review: Our Bodies, Our Crimes: The Policing of Women’s Reproduction in America

Catherine G. Valentine
Book Review: Global Gender Research: Transnational Perspectives

Shannon Michele Post
Book Review: Protection of Sexual Minorities since Stonewall: Progress and Stalemate in Developed and Developing Countries

Carolette Norwood
Book Review: African Feminist Politics of Knowledge: Tensions, Challenges, Possibilities

Chien-Juh Gu
Book Review: Women’s Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan

Julie Shayne
Book Review: Women’s Activism in Latin America and the Caribbean: Engendering Social Justice, Democratizing Citizenship

Catherine M. Orr
Book Review: Activist Scholarship: Antiracism, Feminism, and Social Change

Gender and society, 25 (6), December 2011

From the SWS President

Ore, Tracy E.
Something from Nothing: Women, Space, and Resistance


Rhoton, Laura A.
Distancing as a Gendered Barrier: Understanding Women Scientists’ Gender Practices

Hoang, Lan Anh and Brenda S. A. Yeoh
Breadwinning Wives and “Left-Behind” Husbands: Men and Masculinities in the Vietnamese Transnational Family

Sasson-Levy, Orna; Yagil Levy ; and Edna Lomsky-Feder
Women Breaking the Silence: Military Service, Gender, and Antiwar Protest

Bobbitt-Zeher, Donna
Gender Discrimination at Work: Connecting Gender Stereotypes, Institutional Policies, and Gender Composition of Workplace

Book Reviews

Kristine De Welde
Book Review: Gender, Culture, and Physicality: Paradoxes and Taboos

Jan E. Thomas
Book Review: Social Sources of Disparities in Health and Health Care and Linkages to Policy, Population Concerns and Providers of Care

Sandra K. Danziger
Book Review: Stretched Thin: Poor Families, Welfare Work, and Welfare Reform

Pilapa Esara
Book Review: Marketing Dreams, Manufacturing Heroes: The Transnational Labor Brokering of Filipino Workers

Mary Johnson Osirim
Book Review: African Women’s Movements: Changing Political Landscapes

Manisha Desai
Book Review: Liberalization’s Children: Gender, Youth, and Consumer Citizenship in Globalizing India

Sherry L. Martin
Book Review: The Art of the Gut: Manhood, Power, and Ethics in Japanese Politics

Sarah Sobieraj
Book Review: Hillary Clinton’s Race for the White House: Gender Politics & the Media on the Campaign Trail

Gilda L. Ochoa
Book Review: Next of Kin: The Family in Chicano/a Cultural Politics

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Journal of systemic therapies, 50 (4), summer 2011

Guilfoyle, Michael
The Ethical Subject in Poststructural Therapy

Marsten, David ; David Epston, Lisa Johnson
The Ethics of Excitement

Healing, Sara and Janet Beavin Bavelas
Can Questions Lead to Change? An Analogue Experiment

Aducci, C. J. y Charles L. Cole
Multiple Relationships: Perspectives from Training Family Therapists and Clients


Miller, Bonnie
Narrative Gerontology: A Post-Modern Reading of the Latter Stage of Life: A Conversation with William Randall


In Honor of Richard Fisch, M.D.: A Founding Father of Brief Therapy
Edited by Wendel A. Ray

The Corner

Epston, David
The Corner: More Innovations in Practice and Research

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 Revistas electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Journal of systemic therapies, 50 (2), summer 2011

Moving Beyond Right and Wrong: Touchstones for Teaching and Learning Constructionist Therapy
Philp,Kay ; Kathryn Geldard

Narrative Case Study: Using the Client as Her Own Witness to Change
Bello, Nathalie Duque

Plausible, Convincing and Appealing. Characteristics and Development of Therapeutic Stories in a Shared Reality Approach
Manfrida, Gianmarco

Special Section
Special Section: International Issues in Clinical Practice and Training
Miller, John K.

Self Described Happy Couples and Factors of Successful Marriage in Iran
Daneshpour, Manijeh ; Mohammad H. Asoodeh ; Shiva Khalili ; Masoud G. Lavasani ; Iman Dadras

Working with Families in Uganda and the United States: Lessons in Cross-Cultural Professional Training
McDowell,Teresa ; Andraé L. Brown ; Paschal Kabura ; Elizabeth Parker ; Asmaa Alotaiby


 Narrative Therapy and Critical Reflection on Practice: A Conversation with Jan Fook
Béres,Laura ; Kate Bowles and Jan Fook

The Corner 

Re-Authoring Teaching: New Developments in Creating a Collaboratory
Epston, David and Peggy Sax

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 Revistas electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Journal of systemic therapies, 50 (1), spring 2011

Narrative Therapy and Interpersonal Neurobiology: Revisiting Classic Practices, Developing New Emphases
Beaudoin, Marie-Nathalie ; Jeffrey Zimmerman

Utilizing Photographs with the Genogram: A Technique for Enhancing Couple Therapy
Cook, Jennifer M. ; Shruti S. Poulsen

Interviewing the Internalized Other: Attending to Voices of the “Other”
Haydon-Laurelut, M. ; J. C. Wilson

Through the Eyes of Don D. Jackson M.D.
Ray, Wendel A. ; Ryan J. Stivers, Courtney Brasher

A Solution-Focused Approach to Frotteurism
Guterman, Jeffrey T. ; Clay V. Martin, James Rudes


The Extraordinary in the Ordinary: A Conversation with Jill Freedman
Malinen, Tapio

The Corner

Clients Who Inspired You
Epston, David

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 Revistas electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP