Rita Felski; Herbert F. Tucker
Ralph Cohen and New Literary History
John T. Casteen III
The Rise of the Theory Journal
Jeffrey J. Williams
Reckoning with New Literary History
Jonathan Arac
New Academic History
David Bleich
Re-mediating Ralph
Clifford Siskin
The Lessons of the Editor
Gordon Hutner
Ralph Cohen, New Literary History, and Literary Studies in China
Wang Ning
Tribute to Ralph Cohen
Hélène Cixous; Laurent Milesi
The Title Justified
Alastair Fowler
Ralph Cohen and the Dialogue between Philosophy and Literature
Martha Nussbaum
New Literary History: Pages from a Memoir
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Reflections on Ancient Narrative and Ethics
Brian Stock
From a Close Distance: Ralph Cohen's Presence
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Memories of Ralph Cohen, Generic and Otherwise
Mary Poovey
"They practice their trades in different worlds": Concepts in Poststructuralism and Ordinary Language Philosophy
Toril Moi
Literary History and Editorial Method: Poe and Antebellum America
Jerome McGann
Return to Process: The Unfolding of The Idiot
Gary Saul Morson
Reflections on "Gendre" in the Discourses of History
Hayden White
Lyric, History, and Genre
Jonathan Culler
Ralph Cohen: Analyst of the Literary Field
Frances Ferguson
A Guide to Receiving Ralph Cohen
John L. Rowlett
History and Change: An Interview with Ralph Cohen
Jeffrey J. Williams

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