26 ene 2011

Practicing anthropology, Vol. 32, no. 1, winter 2010

Editor´s Choice Introduction
Jayne Howell and ron Loewe

Assesing and Responding to a community Health Risk: Second Hand Smoking in Puerto Rico Households
Merril Singer, Claudia Santelices, G. Derrick Hodge, Zahira Medina, and Marisa Solomon

Health Care Needs in Crisis: An Exploratory Study of LAtions in the Midwest
Linda Hunt and Isabel Montemayor

A Multidimensional Measure of Diarrheal Disease Load Changes Resulting From Access To Improved Water Sources in Honduras
Jeffery L. Deal, Sylvia Nazar, Ronald Delaney II, Micah Sorum, Thomas Leatherman, Nicolaas Frans Gijbert van Vliet, George Greene III, and Parker Wolf

Cross-Cultural Exchange Experiences in China: Medical Anthorpology and Community Health Nursing Clinical for Nursing Students
Susan Andreatta and Jie Hu

Pulling up Myths from the Root:' Designning and Implementing an Anti-racist Curriculum about the African Heritage for Third Graders in Puerto Rico
Isar P. Gdreau and Hilda Llórens

Our Stories, Our Futures: The Eastern Delaware Nations Oral History Project
David J. Minderhout and Jessica D. Dowsett

The role of Asylum Location on refugee Adjustment Strategies: The Case of Sudanese in San Diego, California
Mary Beth Chrostowksy

From Activist to Applied Anthropologist to Anthropologist? On the Politics of Collaboration
Mark Schuller

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