21 sept 2011

Population studies: a journal of demography, Vol. 65, No. 2, July 2011

Differences in life expectancy by education and occupation in Italy, 1980–94: Indirect estimates from maternal and paternal orphanhood
Marc Luy, Paola Di Giulio & Graziella Caselli

Mortality in late nineteenth-century Montreal: Geographic pathways of contagion
Patricia Thornton & Sherry Olson

Sweden's marriage revival: An analysis of the new-millennium switch from long-term decline to increasing popularity
Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk

Fertility history, health, and health changes in later life: A panel study of British women and men born 1923–49
Sanna Read, Emily Grundy & Douglas A. Wolf

Cultural constructions of the concept of household in sample surveys
Sara Randall, Ernestina Coast & Tiziana Leone

The role of smoking in the explanation of the Israeli Jewish pattern of sex differentials in mortality
L. Staetsky

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