26 abr 2013

International history review, 34 (3), september 2012


Fisher, John
The Impact of Military Service on the British Foreign Office and Diplomatic and Consular Services, 1914–8

Gray, William Glenn
Commercial Liberties and Nuclear Anxieties: The US-German Feud over Brazil, 1975–7

Keene, Edward
The Treaty-Making Revolution of the Nineteenth Century

Macri, Franco
Bren Guns for China: The Origin and Impact of Sino-Canadian Relations, 1941–9

Menning, Ralph
Measure of Despair: the Syndicate for Commerce and Industry, the London Tribune, and German Foreign Policy, 1906–8

Smiley, Will
The Meanings of Conversion: Treaty Law, State Knowledge, and Religious Identity among Russian Captives in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Empire

Wu, Shellen X.
Mining the Way to Wealth and Power: Late Qing Reform of Mining Law (1895–1911)

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