Paola Uccelli
Emerging temporality: past tense and temporal/aspectual markers in Spanish-speaking children's intra-conversational narratives
Stanka A. Fitneva, Morten H. Christiansen and Padraic Monaghan
From sound to syntax: phonological constraints on children's lexical categorization of new words
Inge-Marie Eigsti and Loisa Bennetto
Grammaticality judgments in autism: Deviance or delay
Marit Westergaard
Usage-based vs. rule-based learning: the acquisition of word order in wh-questions in English and Norwegian
Virginia Slaughter, Candida C. Peterson and Malinda Carpenter
Maternal mental state talk and infants' early gestural communication
Sabine Stoll and Stefan Th. Gries
How to measure development in corpora? An association strength approach
Minna Kirjavainen, Anna Theakston and Elena Lieven
Can input explain children's me-for-I errors?
Twila Tardif, Paul Fletcher, Weilan Liang and Niko Kaciroti
Early vocabulary development in Mandarin (Putonghua) and Cantonese
Brief Research Report
Jennifer A. Zapf and Linda B. Smith
Knowing more than one can say: The early regular plural
Suzanne Curtin
Twelve-month-olds learn novel word–object pairings differing only in stress pattern

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