1 mar 2010

Journal of social and personal relationships Vol. 26, No. 5, august 2009

Lauren B. Shomaker & Wybdol Furman
Parent-adolescent relationships qualities, internal working models, and attachment styles as prdicators of adolescent's interactions with friends

Stanley W Sadava, Michael A. Busseri, et al...
Investigating a four-pathway model of adult attachment orientation and heatlh

Meredith Marko-Harrigan
The contradictions of identity-work for parents of visibly adopted children

Sharon K. Dane & Geoff MacDonald
Heterosexual's acceptance predicts the well-being of same-sex attracted young adults beyond ingroup support

Rachel Domingue & Debra Mollen
Attachment and conflict communicatios in adult romantic relationships

Annie K. Arseth, Jane Kroger, et al...
Intimacy status, attachment, separaton-individuation patterns, and identy status, in female university students

John P. Caughlin, Allison M. Scott, et al...
Putative secrets: When informations is supposedly a secret

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