26 nov 2010

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Vol. 48, No. 3, fall/winter 2009

Thre E-Dimensional Imaging of Paint Layers and Paint Substructures With Synchrotron Radiation Computed µ-Laminography
Joris Dik, Peter Reischig, Kris Krug, Arie Wallert, Andrea Coerdt, Lukas Helfen, and Tilo Baumbach

Among the Dead and Their Possessions: A Gonservator's Role in the Death, Life, and Afterlife of Human Remains and Their Associated Objects
Sanchita Balachandran

The Effect of Cyclododecane on Carbon-14 Dating ff Archaeological Materials
Christie M. Pohl, Greg Hodgins, Robert J. Speakman, and Harriet F. Beaubien

Assessing the Risks of Alkaline Damage During Deacidificatión Treatments of Oxidized Paper
Catherine H. Stephens, Paul M. Whitmore, Hannah R. Morris, and Theresa Smith

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