All in the family: Small stories and narrative construction of a shared family identity that includes pets
Alla V. Tovares
“We had a wonderful time”: Individual sibling voices in the joint construction of a family ethos through narrative performance
Catherine Evans Davies
Small stories as resources for performing teacher identity: Identity-in-interaction in an urban language arts classroom
Mary M. Juzwik and Denise Ives
The relevance of narrative ratifications in talk-in-interaction for Japanese pre-service teachers of English
Brian D. Rugen
Ethnic categorization and moral agency in ‘fitting in’ narratives among Madrid immigrant students
Ana María Relaño Pastor
Reverberations of the Armenian Genocide: Narrative’s intergenerational transmission and the task of not forgetting
Natasha Azarian-Ceccato
Narrative inversion as a tactical framing device: The ideological origins of the Nation of Islam
Gabriel A. Acevedo, James Ordner and Miriam Thompson
‘Story’ — An English cultural keyword and a key interpretive tool of Anglo culture
Anna Wierzbicka
Incorporating recipient evaluations into stories
Neal R. Norrick
Narrative research: Time for a paradigm
Gabriela Spector-Mersel
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