16 feb 2012

New left review No. 72, nov.-dic. 2011

Davis, Mike
Spring Confronts Winter

Stathis Kouvelakis
The Greek Cauldron

Blackburn, Robin
Crisis 2.0

Xiaoming, Ai
The Citizen Camera

Tsuda, Kenta
Academicians of Lagado?

Anderson, Perry
Lucio Magri

Casanova, Pascale
Combative Literatures

Watkins, Susan
Peter Campbell


Hung Ho-fung on Carl Walter and Fraser Howie, Red Capitalism. Two Wall Street China hands assess the PRC’s transition from plan to market.
Andrea Boltho on Barry Eichengreen, Exorbitant Privilege. The dollar’s long reign as global reserve currency and prospects for its continued hegemony.
Alexander Beecroft on Sheldon Pollock, The Language of the Gods in the World of Men. South Asia’s shift from holy to vernacular tongues measured against European parallels.

Pagina Web: New Left Review

Nueva sociedad No. 236, nov.-dic. 2011

Estados (Des)Unidos
Crisis, desigualdad y democracia

Moscú mira hacia América Latina. Estado de situación de la alianza ruso-venezolana
Boesner Adriana y Makram Haluani

«Pienso, luego estorbo». España: crisis e indignación
Martí i Puig, Salvador

Tribuna Global
La socialdemocracia liberal, la equidad y el buen capitalismo
Hutton, Will

Tema Central
Barack Obama, la economía y el progresismo estadounidense
Kuttner, Robert

El dilema de Obama: un presidente mestizo cercado por la derecha
Hattam, Victoria

Las ambivalencias de la democracia. El dinero contra la soberanía popular
Matus, Alejandra

Más poder para las corporaciones. Democracia y financiamiento electoral
Edgar, Bob

¿Por qué no hay más fuego esta vez? Claroscuros del Estado de Bienestar estadounidense
Pimpare, Stephen

¿Por qué las caídas son cada vez mayores? Entre la codicia y el fraude
Krugman, Paul y Robin Wells

Disparen contra los sindicatos. La ofensiva conservadora y la «revuelta de Wisconsin»
Abarca, María Graciela

Occupy Wall Street: ¿la contracara del Tea Party?
Semán, Ernesto

Like it or not, baby! Crónicas de la frontera, entre honey y miedo
Renaud González, Bárbara

El anti-antinorteamericanismo en América Latina (1898-1930). Apuntes para una historia intelectual
Bergel, Martín

Pagina Web: Nueva Sociedad

Nueva sociedad No. 235, sept.-oct. 2011

Política y ciberactivismo hoy

Venezuela entre incertidumbres y sorpresas
López Maya, Margarita

Argentina, una década después. Del «que se vayan todos» a la exacerbación de lo nacional-popular
Svampa, Maristella

El ascenso de China: oportunidades y retos para América Latina
Sevares, Julio

Tribuna Global
Europa en la encrucijada. Propuestas para salir de la crisis
Hirschel, Klaus Busch Dierk

Tema Central
¿Hacia una política 2.0? Potencialidades y límites de la red de redes /

Mucho ciberactivismo... pocos votos. Antanas Mockus y el Partido Verde colombiano
Rincón, Omar

Una cartografía de la blogósfera cubana. Entre «oficialistas» y «mercenarios»
Henken, Ted

Las revueltas árabes en tiempos de transición digital. Mitos y realidades
Gonzalez-Quijano, Yves

Testimonio: ciberactivismo y medio ambiente. El caso de Greenpeace Argentina
Nadal, Hernán P.

NUEVA SOCIEDAD en la web 2.0. Selección de entradas del blog NuSo
Damián Profeta / Zuluaga, Jimena ; Horus Estéfano Díaz, Colectivo Honduras ; Marccella Lopes Berte

La trampa de la nostalgia. La seducción del orden mafioso y el Estado imaginario en México
Vázquez Calero, Federico

Pagina Web: Nueva Sociedad

Applied Linguistics, Vol. 32, No. 4, september 2011


Lorena Pérez Hernández
Cognitive Tools For Successful Branding

Sunny Hyon
Evaluation in Tenure and Promotion Letters: Constructing Faculty as Communicators, Stars, and Workers

Jeannette Littlemore, Phyllis Trautman Chen, Almut Koester, and John Barnden
Difficulties in Metaphor Comprehension Faced by International Students whose First Language is not English

Brent Wolter and Henrik Gyllstad
Collocational Links in the L2 Mental Lexicon and the Influence of L1 Intralexical Knowledge


Francisco Lorenzo, Pat Moore, and Sonia Casal
On Complexity in Bilingual Research: The Causes, Effects, and Breadth of Content and Language Integrated Learning—a Reply to Bruton (2011)


Reviewed by John W. Schwieter
Ofelia Garcia: Bilingual Education in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective.

Reviewed by Is’haaq Akbarian
Tess Fitzpatrick and Andy Barfield (eds): Lexical Processing in Second Language Learners: Papers and Perspectives in Honour of Paul Meara.

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Applied Linguistics, Vol. 32, No. 2, may 2011


Millar, Neil
The Processing of Malformed Formulaic Language

Macintyre,  Peter D. and James Jason Legatto
A Dynamic System Approach to Willingness to Communicate: Developing an Idiodynamic Method to Capture Rapidly Changing Affect

O’Halloran, Kieran
Investigating Argumentation in Reading Groups: Combining Manual Qualitative Coding and Automated Corpus Analysis Tools

Hughes, Rebecca and Beatrice Szczepek Reed
Learning About Speech by Experiment: Issues in the Investigation of Spontaneous Talk within the Experimental Research Paradigm

Tin, Tan Bee
Language Creativity and Co-emergence of Form and Meaning in Creative Writing Tasks


Anthony Bruton
Are the differences between CLIL and non-CLIL groups in Andalusia due to CLIL? A reply to Lorenzo, Casal and Moore (2010)


Reviewed by Deborah Cameron
Kate Harrington, Lia Litosseliti, Helen Sauntson and Jane Sunderland (eds): Gender and Language Research Methodologies.

Reviewed by Caroline Kerfoot
Ryuko Kubota and Angel M. Y. Lin (eds): Race, Culture, and Identities in Second Language Education: Exploring Critically Engaged Practice.

Reviewed by Pingali Sailaja
Chandrika Balasubramanian: Register Variation in Indian English.

Reviewed by Korina Giaxoglou
Gergana Vitanova: Authoring the Dialogic Self: Gender, Agency and Language Practices.

Journal of familiy history, vol. 35, no. 3, july 2010


Akşit, Elif Ekin
Fatma Aliye’s Stories: Ottoman Marriages Beyond the Harem

Nugent, Janay
‘‘None Must Meddle Betueene Man and Wife’’: Assessing Family and the Fluidity of Public and Private in Early Modern Scotland

Winter, Anne
Abandoned in Brussels, Delivered in Paris: Long-Distance Transports of Unwanted Children in the Eighteenth Century

Bailey, Joanne
The ‘‘Afterlife’’ of Parenting: Memory, Parentage, and Personal Identity in Britain c. 1760-1830

Gradskova, Yulia
Educating Parents: Public Preschools and Parenting in Soviet Pedagogical Publications, 1945-1989

Duff, Brian
The Inertia of Sex: Henry Adams on Family and the Politics of Unconditional Love

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Journal of familiy history, vol. 35, no. 2, april 2010

Lee, Sangkuk
The Impacts of Birth Order and Social Status on the Genealogy Register in Thirteenth- to Fifteenth-Century Korea

Marttila, Juuso
Beyond the Family and the Household: Occupational Family Networks

Schellekens, Jona and Zvi Eisenbach
Religiosity and Marital Fertility: Israeli Arab Muslims, 1955—1972

Ryabov, Igor
Late-Twentieth-Century Fertility Decline in Moldova: Interplay of Female Autonomy, Wealth, and Education

Cosse, Isabella
Argentine Mothers and Fathers and the New Psychological Paradigm of Child-Rearing (1958-1973)

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Research on language and social interaction Vol. 42, No. 1, 2011

Laughter as Medical Providers' Resource: Negotiating Informed Choice in Prenatal Genetic Counseling
Zayts, Olga and Stephanie Schnurr

“You Don't Have to Answer”: Lawyers’ Contributions in Police Interrogations of Suspects
Derek Edwards and Elizabeth Stokoe

Walking Out on Air
Nick Llewellyn and Carly W. Butler

Insertion Repair
Sue Wilkinson and Ann Weatherall

“There Will Only Be Lots of Chit-Chat”: How Hamas Leaders and Media Interviewers Handle Controversial Topics
Chris McVittie, Rahul Sambaraju and Andy McKinlay

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

15 feb 2012

American sociological review, vol. 75, no. 4, august 2010


Grant, Don ; Mary Nell Trautner ; Liam Downey, and Lisa Thiebaud
Bringing the Polluters Back In: Environmental Inequality and the Organization of Chemical Production

Longhofer, Wesley and Evan Schofer
National and Global Origins of Environmental Association

Strully, Kate W. ; David H. Rehkopf, and Ziming Xuan
Effects of Prenatal Poverty on Infant Health: State Earned Income Tax Credits and Birth Weight

MacLean, Alair
The Things They Carry: Combat, Disability, and Unemployment among U.S. Men

Wilde, Melissa J. ; Kristin Geraty, Shelley L. Nelson, and Emily A. Bowman
Religious Economy or Organizational Field?: Predicting Bishops’ Votes at the Second Vatican Council

Stamatov, Peter
Activist Religion, Empire, and the Emergence of Modern Long-Distance Advocacy Networks

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Revistas Electronicas Bibliotecas BUAP

American sociological review, vol. 75, no. 3, june 2010


The Effects of Organizational and Political Embeddedness on Financial Malfeasance in the Largest U.S. Corporations: Dependence, Incentives, and Opportunities

Torfason, Magnus Thor and Paul Ingram
The Global Rise of Democracy: A Network Account

Frank, Reanne ; Ilana Redstone Akresh, and Bo Lu
Latino Immigrants and the U.S. Racial Order: How and Where Do They Fit In?

Mouw,  Ted and Arne L. Kalleberg
Occupations and the Structure of Wage Inequality in the United States, 1980s to 2000s

DeSoucey, Michaela
Gastronationalism: Food Traditions and Authenticity Politics in the European Union

Pontikes, Elizabeth ; Giacomo Negro, and Hayagreeva Rao
Stained Red: A Study of Stigma by Association to Blacklisted Artists during the “Red Scare” in Hollywood, 1945 to 1960

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Revistas Electronicas Bibliotecas BUAP

language acquistion: a journal of developmental linguistics, Vol. 18. No. 2, april-june 2011

Original Articles

When Unbiased Probabilistic Learning Is Not Enough: Acquiring a Parametric System of Metrical Phonology
Pearl, Lisa S


Early Word Order Representations: Novel Arguments Against Old Contradictions
Franck, Julie ; Severine Millotte & Romy Lassotta


Verb Argument Structure in Children with SLI: Evidence from Eye-Tracking
Andreu, Llorenç

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Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos = European Review of latin american studies No. 91, october 2011

Working against Indifference

Intimate Encounters: Affective Economies in Cuba and the Dominican Republic
Amalia L. Cabezas

Roberto d’Aubuisson vs Schafik Handal: Militancy, Memory Work and Human Rights
Ralph Sprenkels

Moengo on Strike: The Politics of Labour in Suriname’s Bauxite Industry
Anouk de Koning

Agricultura familiar en el agro argentino: una contribución al debate sobre el futuro del campesinado
Raúl Paz


Presidential and Congressional Elections in Chile, December 2009 and January 2010
Gianluca Passarelli

Humala antes de Ollanta: evolución política del nuevo presidente peruano 81
Felipe Nesbet-Montecinos

Ensayo de Reseña/Review Essay

Alternation, Transition, and Regime Change in Mexico:  Is the Glass Half Full or Empty?
Wil Pansters

Reseñas/Book Reviews

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Revistas Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, Vol. 50, No. 1, spring/summer 2011

Mustafa Al-Naddaf
Quantifying the influence of halite and style crystallization on capillary water absorption coefficente of sandstone

Christopher Augerson
Copal varnishes used on 18th-century carriages

Jordan Ferraro and Jane Henderson
Identifying features of effective emergency response plans

Amila Ferron and Frank G. Matero
A comparative study of Ethyl-Silicate-Based consolidants on earthen finishes

14 feb 2012

Gender & society Vol. 25, No. 5 october 2011


Julie A. Reid, Sinikka Elliott, and Gretchen R. Webber
Casual Hookups to Formal Dates: Refining the Boundaries of the Sexual Double Standard

Danielle M. Giffort
Show or Tell? Feminist Dilemmas and Implicit Feminism at Girls’ Rock Camp

Mary Frank Fox, Gerhard Sonnert and Irina Nikiforova
Programs for Undergraduate Women in Science and Engineering: Issues, Problems, and Solutions

Jennifer Utrata
Youth Privilege: Doing Age and Gender in Russia’s Single-Mother Families

Noelle Chesley
Stay-at-Home Fathers and Breadwinning Mothers: Gender, Couple Dynamics, and Social Change

Book Reviews

Judith Taylor
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities and Daughters of Aquarius: Women of the Sixties Counterculture

Trina Smith
Governing the Female Body: Gender, Health, and Networks of Power

Jean-Anne Sutherland
Media and Middle Class Moms: Images and Realities of Work and Family

Vidyamali Samarasinghe
Economies of Desire: Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic and The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade

Karen M. Hicks
DES Daughters: Embodied Knowledge and the Transformation of Women’s Health Politics

Amy L. Best
Skate Life: Re-imagining White Masculinity

Catherine Richards Solomon
Glass Ceilings & 100-Hour Couples: What the Opt-Out Phenomenon Can Teach Us about Work and Family

Shannon N. Davis
Dividing the Domestic: Men, Women and Household Work in Cross-National Perspective

Danielle M. Currier
College Sex: Philosophy for Everyone, Philosophers with Benefits

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Comparative civilizations review No. 65, fall 2011


Bridging Civilizations through Nothingness: Manchuria as Nishida Kitaro's ""Place
Chi-Yu Shih,
Huang, Chiung-chiu

Islamic Civilization and (Western) Modernity
O'Brien, Peter

On Mass Culture and Civilizational Mediocrity
Rosner, David J

The Globalization of Parks - Public Trust Resource Protection Worldwide
Rhodes, Lynn

Right-wing Extremists in Europe
Tepfenhart, Mariana

The Civilization Approach to Education in the 21st Century
Targowski, Andrew

The 1961 Salzburg Conference and Contemporary Reflections of Its Overarching Themes and Participants
Drew, Joseph

Book Reviews

Glenn R. Bugh, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the Hellenistic World.
Taylor Halvorsen

Cyril Mango, ed. The Oxford History of Byzantium.
W. Reed Smith

Tom Holland, The Forge of Christendom: The End of Days and the Epic Rise of the West.
Laina Farhat-Holzman

Hilaire Belloc, The Crusades.
Norman Rothman

Ali Allawi, Crisis of Islamic Civilization.
Tseggai Isaac

Johnson, Ian, A Mosque in Munich: Nazis, the CIA, and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West.
Laina Farhat-Holzman

Laina Farhat-Holzman, How Do You Know That? A Guide to Critical Thinking About Global Issues.
Dario Fernandez-Morera

Huff, Toby E., Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution - A Global Perspective.
Laina Farhat-Holzman

Bruce Bowden, The Empire of Civilization: The Evolution of an Imperial Idea.
Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo

Paul K. Eiss, In the Name of El Pueblo: Place, Community and the Politics of History in Yucatán (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. xv+337.
Sarah Washbrook

Paula Alonso, Jardines secretos, legitimaciones públicas: el Partido Autonomista Nacional y la política argentina de fines del siglo XIX(Buenos Aires: Edhasa, 2010), pp. 390.
Martin O. Castro

María Inés Tato and Martín O. Castro (eds.), Del Centenario al peronismo: dimensiones de la vida política argentina (Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi, 2010), pp. viii+48.
Eduardo Elena

Thomas Rogers, The Deepest Wounds: A Labor and Environmental History of Sugar in Northeast Brazil (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2010), pp. xvi+320.
David McCreery

Paulo Drinot, The Allure of Labor: Workers, Race, and the Making of the Peruvian State (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2011), pp. xi +310.
Christine Hunefeldt

Cristina Ewig, Second-Wave Neoliberalism: Gender, Race and Health Sector Reform in Peru (University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2010), pp. xiv+255.
Jelke Boesten

Jacinta Palerm Viqueira and Tomás Martínez Saldaña (eds.),Aventuras con el agua: la administración del agua de riego, historia y teoría (Texcoco, Mexico: CONACYT, 2009), pp. xxii+435.
José Esteban Castro

Aaron W. Navarro, Political Intelligence and the Creation of Modern Mexico, 1938–1954 (University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2010), pp. xiv+301.
William A. Booth

Claire Brewster and Keith Brewster, Representing the Nation: Sport and Spectacle in Post-Revolutionary Mexico (London and New York: Routledge, 2010), pp. 177.
Roger Magazine

Gavin O'Toole, The Reinvention of Mexico: National Ideology in a Neoliberal Era (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2010), pp. 302.
Dag Mossige

Dina Berger and Andrew Grant Wood (eds.), Holiday in Mexico: Critical Reflections on Tourism and Tourist Encounters (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. 393.
Joanne Hershfield

Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba and Ignacio Corona (eds.), Gender Violence at the U.S.–Mexico Border: Media Representation and Public Response (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2010), pp. 200.
Susanne Hofmann

Ed Vulliamy, Amexica: War along the Borderline (London: Bodley Head, 2010), pp. xxxi+336.
Alan Knight

Journal of Latin American studies Vol. 43, part 4, november 2011

Managerialism in Motion: Lessons from Oaxaca
Jones, John Paul ; Susan M. Roberts And Oliver Fröhling

The Power of Persuasion: Issue Framing and Advocacy in Argentina
Risley, Amy

Transitional Justice and Protracted Accountability in Re-democratised Uruguay, 1985–2011
Roniger, Luis

Press Representation of Social Movements: Brazilian Resistance to the Candonga Hydroelectric Dam
Pereira da Silva,  Patrícia and Franklin Daniel Rothman


Is Economic Reform Dead in Latin America? Rhetoric and Reality since 2000
Stallings, Barbara and Wilson Peres


Aviva Chomsky, A History of the Cuban Revolution (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), pp. xi+241.
Antoni Kapcia

Paulo Drinot (ed.), Che's Travels: The Making of a Revolutionary in 1950s Latin America (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. 306.
Antoni Kapcia

Brian Loveman, No Higher Law: American Foreign Policy and the Western Hemisphere since 1776 (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2010), pp. 539.
Piero Gleijeses

Karen Kampwirth (ed.), Gender and Populism in Latin America: Passionate Politics (University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2010), pp. xiv+254.
Amelia M. Kiddle

Felipe Hernández, Peter Kellett and Lea K. Allen (eds.), Rethinking the Informal City: Critical Perspectives from Latin America (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2010), pp. xiv+249.
Alan Gilbert

Alcira Dueñas, Indians and Mestizos in the ‘Lettered City’: Reshaping Justice, Social Hierarchy, and Political Culture in Colonial Peru (Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 2010), pp. xii+269.
Charles F. Walker

Adam Warren, Medicine and Politics in Colonial Peru: Population Growth and the Bourbon Reforms (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010), pp. xi+290.
Noble David Cook

Patricia Lopes Don, Bonfires of Culture: Franciscans, Indigenous Leaders, and the Inquisition in Early Mexico, 1524–1540 (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2010), pp. xiii+263.
Matthew Restall

Arnold J. Bauer, The Search for the Codex Cardona: On the Trail of a Sixteenth-Century Mexican Treasure (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. viii+181.
Gordon Brotherston

Eleanor Wake, Framing the Sacred: The Indian Churches of Early Colonial Mexico (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2010), pp. xxi+338.
Robert Haskett

Nicola Foote and René D. Harder Horst (eds.), Military Struggle and Identity Formation in Latin America: Race, Nation, and Community during the Liberal Period (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2010), pp. xvii+368.
Will Fowler

International labor and working-class history No. 80, fall 2011


Senior Editors' Note
Carolyn Brown, Jennifer Klein and Peter Winn

Special Feature: Labor and the Military

Labor and the Military: Introduction
Freeman, Joshua B. and Geoffrey Field

Constructing Roads, Washing Feet, and Cutting Cane for the Patria: Building Bolivia with Military Labor, 1900–1975
Shesko, Elizabeth

“The Army is a Service, Not a Job”: Unionization, Employment, and the Meaning of Military Service in the Late-Twentieth Century United States
Mittelstadt, Jennifer

Making the Household, Making the State: Colonial Military Communities and Labor in German East Africa
Moyd, Michelle

Wars of Civilization: The US Army Contemplates Wounded Knee, the Pullman Strike, and the Philippine Insurrection
Murolo, Priscilla

Militarism, Empire, and Labor Relations: The Case of Brice P. Disque
Freeman, Joshua B.

“Civilians in Uniform”: Class and Politics in the British Armed Forces, 1939–1945
Field, Geoffrey

Scholarly Controversy: Labor Rights as Human Rights?

Probing the Limits of Rights Discourse in the Obama Era: A Crossroads for Labor and Liberalism
McCartin, Joseph A

Solidarity and Rights: Two to Tango-A Response to Joseph A. McCartin
Compa, Lance

Workers' Rights, Human Rights, and Solidarity Across Borders
Seidman, Gay

From Workers' Rights to Worker Appropriation A Response to Joseph A. McCartin
McIntyre, Richard

Joseph McCartin Responds to Lance Compa, Gay Seidman, and Richard McIntyre
McCartin, Joseph

Reports from the Field

Workers and Egypt's January 25 Revolution
Beinin, Joel

Chants Democratic in Wisconsin
Goldberg, Chad Alan

Review Essay

A Revival of Labor and Social Protest Research in France: Recent Scholarship on May 1968
Mann, Keith


From Geneva to the Americas: The International Labor Organization and Inter-American Social Security Standards, 1936–1948
Jensen, Jill

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Comparative studies in society and history Vol. 53, No. 4, october 2011

Rat Cities and Beehive Worlds: Density and Design in the Modern City
Adams Jon and Edmund Ramsden

Communities of Place, Not Kind: American Technologies of Neighborhood in Postcolonial Delhi
Hull, Matthew S

Whose Makassar? Claiming Space in a Segmented City
Sutherland, Heather

Family Firms in Hyderabad: Gujarati, Goswami, and Marwari Patterns of Adoption, Marriage, and Inheritance
Leonard, Karen Isaksen

Longing for Elsewhere: Guaraní Reterritorializations
Gordillo, Gastón

Ethics, Politics, and Host Space: A Comparative Case Study from the South American Chaco
Lowrey, Kathleen

Waste and Potency: Making Men with Minerals in Guanajuato and Tucson
Ferry, Elizabeth Emma

The Nature of Sleep
Wolf-Meyer, Matthew

Cycles of Empowerment? The Bicycle and Everyday Technology in Colonial India and Vietnam
Arnold, David and Erich DeWald

CSSH Discussion

On the Internet, Everyone Knows You're a Dog. A Review Essay
Gershon, Ilana

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Mouvement Social No. 236, juillet-septembre 2011

Quel « monde du contact » ? Pour une histoire sociale de l'Algérie pendant la période coloniale
Blanchard, Emmanuel et Sylvie Thénault
La Société du Contact Dans L'algérie Coloniale

Le moment Front populaire en Oranie : mobilisations et reconfigurations du milieu militant de gauche
Marynower, Claire
Les lieux de sociabilité islahistes et leurs usages : la ville d'Alger (1931-1940)
Zekkour, Afaf
Presse et journalistes « indigènes » en Algérie coloniale (années 1890-années 1950)
Zessin, Philipp
« Pour moi, l'Algérie, c'est les Béni-Boudouane, le reste j'en sais rien »
Construction, narrations et représentations coloniales en Algérie Française
Fabbiano, Giulia


Madagascar 1972 : l'autre indépendance. Une révolution contre les accords de coopération
Blum, Françoise


Une lecture de la révolution tunisienne
Dakhli, Leyla

Notes de lecture

Notes de lecture
Léopold Haimson (1927-2010)
Éric Brian

Informations et initiatives

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History workshop journal No. 72, autumn 2011



Sally Alexander and Alun Howkins
History’s Value?


Dana Rabin
‘In a Country of Liberty?’: Slavery, Villeinage and the Making of Whiteness in the Somerset Case (1772)

Cristina Chimisso
Fleeing Dictatorship: Socialism, Sexuality and the History of Science in the Life of Aldo Mieli

Lauren Arrington
St John Ervine and the Fabian Society: Capital, Empire and Irish Home Rule

Sophie Loy-Wilson
‘Liberating’ Asia: Strikes and Protest in Sydney and Shanghai, 1920–39

Juliet Gardiner
‘Searching for the Gleam’: Finding Solutions to the Political and Social Problems of 1930s Britain

Jock McCulloch
Air Hunger: the 1930 Johannesburg Conference and the Politics of Silicosis

Bill Schwarz
‘Our Unadmitted Sorrow’: the Rhetorics of Civil Rights Photography


Jane Caplan, Richard J. Evans, and Nicholas Stargardt

Eve Rosenhaft
Blacks and Gypsies in Nazi Germany: the Limits of the ‘Racial State’

Jane Caplan
The Administration of Gender Identity in Nazi Germany

Claudia Baldoli
Spring 1943: the Fiat Strikes and the Collapse of the Italian Home Front

Nicholas Stargardt
Beyond ‘Consent’ or ‘Terror’: Wartime Crises in Nazi Germany


Catherine Hall
The State of Modern British History

Frank Mort
Intellectual Pluralism and the Future of British History

Martin Daunton
The Future Direction of British History: Thinking about Economic Cultures


Luisa Passerini
A Passion for Memory

Anne Summers
‘A Continuing Supply of History’: Thoughts from the Archive

Tristram Hunt
The Importance of Studying the Past

Robert Gildea
A Campaign in Defence of Higher Education

Janet L. Nelson
Medieval History in the UK in 2011: A Health-Check


Fiona Macaulay
Brazil: Never Again?

Nigel Leask
Champions of the Fair Sex

James A. Epstein
Justice Denied

Margaret R. Hunt
Deep Archives

Peter Gatrell
Before the Deluge

Bertie Mandelblatt

Andy Bruno
The Environment of Postwar Stalinism

Emma Griffin
Doing the Wife


Kathleen McIlvenna
Providing public history: the launch of the centre for the historical record, Kingston University, London, 10 June 2011.

Timothy Livsey
How To Write The History Of Organised Crime, Birkbeck, 9 June 2011.

Sarah Evans, Philip Hatfield, and Gail Lewis
Our memories of the uprisings: the 1980s revisited, British Library, 25 October 2010.


Alison Joseph
Gilda O'Neill (1951–2010)

Thérèse Bouysse-Cassagne and Tristan Platt
Olivia Harris 1948–2009

Annales de démographie historique, 2011-1

Le Contrat de Mariage

Gérard Beaur
Le contrat de mariage dans les sociétés européennes. Enjeux familiaux et pratiques des acteurs

Llorenç Ferrer Alos
Apparition, évolution et logique des contrats de mariage en Catalogne (xvie-xixe siècle)

Rolande Bonnain-Dulon
Contrats de mariage et migration des filles au xixe siècle dans les pyrénées

Margareth Lanzinger
Marriage Contracts in Various Contexts: Marital Property Rights, Sociocultural Aspects and Gender-Specific Implications. Late-Eighteenth-Century Evidence from two Tirolean Court Districts

Gérard Beaur, Mathieu Marraud, et Béatrice Marin
Au cœur des choix familiaux. Conclure ou ne pas conclure un contrat de mariage dans les régions de partage égalitaire au xviiie siècle (Chartres et les campagnes beauceronnes)

Fabrice Boudjaaba
Le régime dotal normand, un moyen de préserver les intérêts du patrilignage ? Une comparaison entre deux régions : Vernon et Pont-l'Évêque (1750-1824)

Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu
Mariage et parenté-travers les actes dotaux roumains (1700-1865)


Beatrice Zucca Micheletto  A quoi sert la dot ? Aliénations dotales, économie familiale et stratégies des couples-turin au xviiie siècle

Jeremy Hayhoe
L'exogamie comme indicateur de la mobilité géographique en Bourgogne rurale au xviiie siècle

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Annales, histoire, sciences sociales Año 66, No. 4, octobre-décembre

Les marges statutaires dans le Japon prémoderne: enjeux et debats
Guillaume Carré

Les guerriers et leurs domestiques dans la ville seigneuriale de Hagi
Morishita Tôru

Espace urbain et corporations: les associations de coiffeurs dans le Japon d'Edo
Yoshida Nobuyuki

Artistes ou marginaux?: les sasara de Shinano
Yoshida Yuriko

Les religieux mendiants d'Ôsaka durant la période prémoderne
Tsukada Takashi

Faire de l'histoire dans un monde globalisé
Serge Gruzinski

Asie Orientale: (comptes rendus)

13 feb 2012

Comparative political studies, vol. 43, no. 7, july 2010

Comparative political studies, vol. 43, no. 6, june 2010

Pontusson, Jonas and David Rueda
The Politics of Inequality: Voter Mobilization and Left Parties in Advanced Industrial States

Parsons, Craig
Revisiting the Single European Act (and the Common Wisdom on Globalization)

Wright,  Joseph
Aid Effectiveness and the Politics of Personalism

Pierre F. Landry, Deborah Davis, and Shiru Wang
Elections in Rural China: Competition Without Parties

Book Review

Craig Parsons
Héritier, A. (2007). Explaining Institutional Change in Europe. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press

Jorge Antonio Alves
Avritzer, L. (2009). Participatory Institutions in Democratic Brazil. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press

Robert Person
Myagkov, M., Ordeshook, P. C., & Shakin, D. (2009). The Forensics of Election Fraud: Russia and Ukraine. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

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Comparative political studies, vol. 43, no. 5, may 2010

James I. Walsh and James A. Piazza
Why Respecting Physical Integrity Rights Reduces Terrorism

Marc P. Berenson
Serving Citizens: How Comparable Are Polish and Russian “Street-Level” Bureaucrats?

Imke Harbers
Decentralization and the Development of Nationalized Party Systems in New Democracies: Evidence From Latin America

Sabina Avdagic
When Are Concerted Reforms Feasible? Explaining the Emergence of Social Pacts in Western Europe

Book Review:

Joseph W. Robbins
Tavits, M. (2009). Presidents With Prime Ministers: Do Direct Elections Matter? Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press

Daniela Piana
Magen, A., & Morlino, L. (Eds.). (2008). International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy? New York: Routledge

Anthony Gill
Leeson, P. (2009). The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press

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Comparative political studies, vol. 43, no. 4, april 2010

R. Daniel Kelemen and David Vogel
Trading Places: The Role of the United States and the European Union in International Environmental Politics

Philip Levitz and Grigore Pop-Eleches
Why No Backsliding? The European Union’s Impact on Democracy and Governance Before and After Accession

Thomas Kenyon and Megumi Naoi
Policy Uncertainty in Hybrid Regimes: Evidence From Firm-Level Surveys

Eduardo Alemán and Ernesto Calvo
Unified Government, Bill Approval, and the Legislative Weight of the President

Book Review:

Shanna A. Kirschner
Salehyan, I. (2009). Rebels Without Borders: Transnational Insurgencies in World Politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press

Jennifer L. Epley
Means, G. P. (2009). Political Islam in Southeast Asia. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner

John W. Hulsey
Rector, C. (2008). Federations: The Political Dynamics of Cooperation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Comparative political studies, vol. 43, no. 3, march 2010

Karen L. Remmer
Political Scale and Electoral Turnout: Evidence From the Less Industrialized World

Austin Hart
Death of the Partisan? Globalization and Taxation in South America, 1990—2006

Jingjing Huo and Hui Feng
The Political Economy of Technological Innovation and Employment

Jan Erk and Edward Koning
New Structuralism and Institutional Change: Federalism Between Centralization and Decentralization

Thad Dunning
Endogenous Oil Rents

Book Review 

Erika Moreno
Taylor, S. L. (2009). Voting Amid Violence: Electoral Democracy in Colombia. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England

Georg Menz
Ellermann, A. (2009). States Against Migrants: Deportation in Germany and the United States. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Benjamin Smith
Dunning, T. (2008). Crude Democracy: Natural Resource Wealth and Political Regimes. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

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Hispania. Revista Española de Historia, Vol. 71, No. 239, sept.-dic. 2011


Tomás Faci, Guillermo
Derecho y fiscalidad en la construcción de una frontera interna en la Corona de Aragón (Ribagorza, 1250-1300)

Tercero Casado, Luis
La jornada de la reina Mariana de Austria a España: divergencias políticas y tensión protocolar en el seno de la Casa de Austria (1648-1649)

Martínez Ruiz, José Ignacio
«A towne famous for its plenty of raisins and wines». Málaga en el comercio anglo-español en el siglo XVII

López-Salazar Codes, Ana Isabel
 La cuestión de la naturaleza de los ministros del Santo Oficio portugués. De las disposiciones legislativas a la práctica cotidiana

Fernández Sarasola, Ignacio
 La organización del poder ejecutivo en España (1808-1810). Reflexiones a raíz de un texto inédito de Jovellanos

Inarejos Muñoz, Juan Antonio
Reclutar caciques: la selección de las elites coloniales filipinas a finales del siglo XIX

Urteaga, Luis y Francesc Nadal
La sección cartográfica del Estado Mayor Central durante la Segunda República (1931-1936)

Isabel Bartolomé Rodríguez
¿Fue el sector eléctrico un gran beneficiario de «la política hidráulica» anterior a la Guerra Civil? (1911-1936)


Pablo C. Díaz, Margarita Tascón González, Eloísa Ramírez Vaquero, Josep Torró, Enrique García Hernán, Juan M. Carretero Zamora, Raúl Molina Recio, Valentín Moreno Gallego, José Pardo Tomás, Rubén González, Antonio Espino López, Ana Crespo Solana, Enrique García Santo-Tomás, Virginia León Sanz, Joaquim Albareda, Fernando Molina Aparicio, Andrés Galera, Cristóbal Robles Muñoz

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Pagina web: Hispania. Revista española de historia

Hispania sacra Vol. 63, No. 128 jul.-dic. 2011

La Iglesia, el clero y la problemática de los curatos, del régimen colonial a las repúblicas independientes
L.R. Enríquez y R. Aguirre Salvador (Coords.)


Enríquez, Lucrecia Raquel y Rodolfo Aguirre Salvador

Moriconi, Miriam
El curato de naturales en Santa Fe. Río de la Plata. Siglos XVII-XVIII

Aguirre Salvador, Salvador
Más allá de los altares. Un obispo de Felipe V frente al régimen de ingresos parroquiales en Yucatán, 1715−1728

Álvarez Icaza Longoria, María Teresa
La reorganización del territorio parroquial de la arquidiócesis de México durante la prelacía de Manuel Rubio y Salinas (1749-1765)

Aguerre Core, Fernando
Ni explotación ni utopía: un proyecto ilustrado en el corazón de América del Sur

López Mora, Rebeca
La intervención e intromisión de los curas en los pueblos de indios en el periodo borbónico: Naucalpan y Tlalnepantla

Velázquez Bonilla, María Carmela
Los cambios político-administrativos en la diócesis de Nicaragua y Costa Rica. De las reformas borbónicas a la independencia

Hernández García, Elizabeth
Incertidumbre política y opción por la patria en el norte peruano: la independencia y los miembros del clero (1812-1824)

Enríquez, Lucrecia Raquel
La república chilena ante la cuestión indígena (1810-1830)

Ríos Zúniga, Rosalina
Acercamiento a la problemática eclesiástica de zacatecas a partir de un expediente de parroquias (1831-1832)

Ornelas Hernández, Moisés
La política liberal y las obvenciones parroquiales en el obispado de Michoacán, 1821-1860

Coello de la Rosa, Alexandre
Colonialismo y santidad en las Islas Marianas: la sangre de los mártires (1668-1676)

Roberto Blanco Andrés
Pedro Peláez, líder del clero filipino


Emilio Mitre Fernández, Santiago Domínguez Sánchez, Rafael Ramis Barceló, Enrique García Hernán, Emilio Sáenz-Francés

8 feb 2012

Aportes, Año 16, Nos. 42-43, septiembre 2009-abril 2010


Un mundo más ancho y más ajeno: neoliberalismo y desigualdades regionales
José C. Valenzuela Feijóo

Desarrollo y economía política
Jaime Órnelas Delgado

Agua, conflicto y seguridad
Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos

El valor económico-social del agua desde la perspectiva de la economía política
Omar Romero Arenas, José Filomeno Conrado Parraguirre Lezama, Israel Hernández Treviño, y Alfredo Báez Simón

Foro Económico

Evolución del PIB y la inversión en México: 1940-2009
Samuel Ortiz Velasquez

El sistema de Cuentas Nacionales de México
Jorge Vázquez


Pablo Sigfrido Corte Cruz
El paradigma actual de la energía


Declaración de la Cumbre de Toronto

Declaración de la Cumbre de Seúl

"Perspectivas de la Economía Mundial", abril de 2011

Supachai Panitchpakdi
Exposición del Secretario de la UNCTAD ante el Comité monetario y financiero internacional del FMI, en abril de 2011

Michael Hudson
¿Es el rechazo de Islandia al acoso financiero el modelo a seguir por Grecia e Irlanda?, ¿Desintegración de la Eurozona?

Jorge Altamira
Crisis mundial: La ruta del dinero

Conferencia Nacional de Les Alternatifs
Un Proyecto y una Estrategia

Antoni Domènech
Mejor al revés: ¿cuál es la alternativa real al Movimiento del 15 de Mayo?

Cronología de la crisis de Grecia

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Aporte en Redalyc

7 feb 2012

Nexos, Año 35, Vol. 34, no. 409, enero 2012

Nuevos Mitos De La Guerra Contra El Narco
Joaquín Villalobos

Cine y Medio
La Osadía del Disfraz
Perucho, Javier

Lecciones de Mercadotecnia
García, Gustavo

Contemplación y Limpidez: Los Últimos Cristeros de Matías Meyer
Miklos, David


Anime y Bioeconomía
Plata Rosas, Luis Javierhttp://www.nexos.com.mx/pics/dot.gif

Tom Lynch Contra David Waits
García Michel, Hugo

Ciudad De Libros
Novedad de la Narrativa Mexicana

Niñas Montessori; Autores Multitask
Cárdenas, Noé

Repertorio Íntimo
Garza, Alejandro de la

Otros Puntos Cardinales
Pliego, Roberto

Telecomunicaciones: A Medio Gas
Palacios, Jana

Puerto Libre
Dos Lunas
Mastretta, Ángeles

http://www.nexos.com.mx/pics/dot.gifCabos Sueltos
Que No Quede Perfecto
Modos de Adivinar
¡Que Piense!
No sin el Hermano
Mito de Perros
Primeras Cenicientas


¿De Izquierda O de Derecha? ¿Liberales O Conservadores?
Ulises Beltrán

La Activa Suprema Corte
José Ramón Cossío Díaz y Luz Helena Orozco y Villa

La Deuda de los Estados
Fernando Elizondo Barragán

Ejército Delincuencial De Reserva
Ciro Murayama

La columna de Luis González de Alba: Dilemas Morales

http://www.nexos.com.mx/pics/dot.gifHéctor de Mauleón: Asi Escribo

De Última Hora

http://www.nexos.com.mx/pics/dot.gifPensar El Poder
De los Trilobites al Parlamento de Westminster
Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez


Cultura y Vida Cotidiana
Registro Personal

 Viajes en el Tiempo

Buscando a Rimbaud en Etiopía
Santiago Gamboa

Imposible Nostalgia
Javier garciadiego

Noches Púrpuras
Gabriela Cano

La Última Misa
Jean Meyer

Tocar la Historia
Luis Barrón
Medios y Violencia: El Otro Acuerdo
Saúl López Noriega

A Pie
Mauricio Tenerio Trillo

Noticias del Pasado
Maravillas del teléfono

En bicicleta

Guillermo O'donnell: Recuento De Notre Dame
Miguel González Avelar (1937-2011) In Memoriam

De la A a la Z
Delia Juárez G.

Gabinete De Lectura

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