Akşit, Elif Ekin
Fatma Aliye’s Stories: Ottoman Marriages Beyond the Harem
Nugent, Janay
‘‘None Must Meddle Betueene Man and Wife’’: Assessing Family and the Fluidity of Public and Private in Early Modern Scotland
Winter, Anne
Abandoned in Brussels, Delivered in Paris: Long-Distance Transports of Unwanted Children in the Eighteenth Century
Bailey, Joanne
The ‘‘Afterlife’’ of Parenting: Memory, Parentage, and Personal Identity in Britain c. 1760-1830
Gradskova, Yulia
Educating Parents: Public Preschools and Parenting in Soviet Pedagogical Publications, 1945-1989
Duff, Brian
The Inertia of Sex: Henry Adams on Family and the Politics of Unconditional Love
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