Grant, Don ; Mary Nell Trautner ; Liam Downey, and Lisa Thiebaud
Bringing the Polluters Back In: Environmental Inequality and the Organization of Chemical Production
Longhofer, Wesley and Evan Schofer
National and Global Origins of Environmental Association
Strully, Kate W. ; David H. Rehkopf, and Ziming Xuan
Effects of Prenatal Poverty on Infant Health: State Earned Income Tax Credits and Birth Weight
MacLean, Alair
The Things They Carry: Combat, Disability, and Unemployment among U.S. Men
Wilde, Melissa J. ; Kristin Geraty, Shelley L. Nelson, and Emily A. Bowman
Religious Economy or Organizational Field?: Predicting Bishops’ Votes at the Second Vatican Council
Stamatov, Peter
Activist Religion, Empire, and the Emergence of Modern Long-Distance Advocacy Networks
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