11 ene 2013

Labor history, 53 (1), february 2012

Original Articles

‘Us is spelled U.S.’: The Crafted With Pride campaign and the fight against deindustrialization in the textile and apparel industry
Minchin, Timothy J.

From Whitehall to Brussels: Thatcher, Delors and the Europeanization of the TUC
Mitchell, Kristine

Equal pay – or what? Economics, politics and the 1968 Ford sewing machinists’ strike
Cohen, Sheila

The struggle over the services directive: the role of the European Parliament and the ETUC
Dolvik,  Jon Erik & Anne Mette Odegård

Waving or drowning? British labor history in troubled waters
McIlroy, John


Labor History symposium: assessing Howell John Harris, The Right to Manage, after 30 years
Chad Pearson, Mark Wilson, Kim Phillips Fein, Melvyn Dubofsky & Howell Harris

Book Reviews

The Labor Question in America: Economic Democracy in the Gilded Age, by Rosanne Currarino
Gerald Friedman

Changes in Japanese Employment Practices: Beyond the Japanese Model, by Arjan Keizer
Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez

The Political Economy of Managed Migration: Nonstate Actors, Europeanization, and the Politics of Designing Migration Policies, by Georg Menz
Stefania Marino

New Trade Union Activism: Class Consciousness or Social Identity?, by Sian Moore
Andy Hodder

Activation Policies and the Protection of Individual Rights: A Critical Assessment of the Situation in Denmark, Finland and Sweden, by Paul Van Aerschot
Silvia Spattini

The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism: How Market Tyranny Stifles the Economy by Stunting Workers, by Michael Perelman
Horen Voskeritsian

Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy, by Ross Perlin
Inmaculada Baviera

Formal and Informal Work. The Hidden Work Regime in Europe, by Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Lluís Flaquer, and Per H. Jensen (eds.)
Almudena Moreno Minguez

The International Political Economy of Work and Employability, by Phoebe Moore
Ekaterina Chertkovskaya

Social Vulnerability in Europe. The New Configuration of Social Risks, by Costanzo Ranci, ed.
Alessandro Gentile

Militant Years: Car workers’ struggles in Britain in the 60s and 70s, by Alan Thornett
Manuela Galetto

Globalization and Precarious Forms of Production and Employment: Challenges for Workers and Unions, by Carole Thornley, Steve Jefferys, and Beatrice Appay (eds.)
Saori Shibata

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