6 oct 2009

Medical anthropology quarterly Vol. 23, No. 3 september 2009

Tsipy Ivry
The ultrasonic picture show and the politics of threatened life

K. Jill Fleuriet
La tecnología y las monjitas: constellations of authoritative knowledge at a Religious Birthing Center in South Texas

Suzanne D. Schneider
Radical remedios: women, health, and the Micropolitics of Grassroots Organizing in Mexico

Sarah E. Chard
Routes to government TB Treatment: private providers, family support, and the process of TB Treament Seeking among Ugandan Women

Maria Kano, Cathleen E. Willging, and Barbara Rylko-Bauer
Community participation in New Mexico's Behavioral Health Care Reform

Evert Thomas, Ina Vanderbrock, Patrick Van Damme, Lucio Semo, and Zacaria Noza
Susto Etiology and Treatment According to Bolivian Trinitario People: A "masters of the animal species" phenomenon

Noga Weiner
The intensive medical care of sick, impaired, and preterm newborns in Israel and the production of vulnerable neonatal subjectivities

Carolyn Sargent
Speaking to the national health crisis: voices from medical anthropology

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