19 nov 2009

Environmental history Vol. 14, No. 3, july 2009


William Beinart and Katie McKeown
Wildlife Media and Representations of Africa, 1950s to the 1970s

Emily Wakild
Border Chasm: International Boundary Parks and Mexican Conservation, 1935-1945

Diana L. DiStephano
Disasters, Railway Workers, and the Law in Avalanche Country, 1888-1910

Amy M. Hay
A New Earthly Vision: Religious Community Activism in the Love Canal Chemical Disaster

Daniel deB. Richter
The Accrual of Land Use History in Utah’s Forest Carbon Cycle

Paul S. Sutter
When Environmental Traditions Collide: Ramachandra Guha’s The Unquiet Woods and U.S. Environmental History


Brian BlackOn the Iconography of Crude


Mark Cioc and Char Miller. Alfred Crosby

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