19 nov 2009

Narrative inquiry Vol. 19, No. 1 2009


Esther Schely-Newman

To break down the wall: Constructing a literate self

Ericka Fisher

The moral consequences of studying the vulnerable: Court mandated reporting and beyond

Emily Schnee

Writing the personal as research

Elizabeth Young

Memoirs: Rewriting the social construction of mental illness

Dorien Van De Mieroop

A good story or a good identity? The reportability of stories interfering with the construction of a morally acceptable identity

Karen J. Burnell, Nigel Hunt and Peter G. Coleman

Developing a model of narrative analysis to investigate the role of social support in coping with traumatic war memories

Blair Thompson, Jody Koenig Kellas, Jordan Soliz, Jason Thompson, Amber Epp and Paul Schrodt

Family legacies: Constructing individual and family identity through intergenerational storytelling

Helen Moya

Identities on paper: Constructing lives for people with intellectual disabilities in life story books

Elizabeth Stokoe

“I’ve got a girlfriend”: Police officers doing ‘self-disclosure’ in their interrogations of suspects

Ruthellen Josselson and Amia Lieblich

Reflections on The Narrative Study of Lives

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