23 nov 2009

Latin american research review Vol. 44, No. 3 2009

Robert Andrew Nickson
Governance and the revitalization of the Guaraní Language in Paraguay

Susan Fitzpatrick Behrens
Maryknoll sisters, faith healing, and the Maya construction of catholic communities in Guatemala

Hillary Hiner
Voces soterradas, violencias ignoradas: discurso, violencia política y género en los informes rettig y valech

Florencia Torche and Seymour Spilerman
Intergenerational influences of wealth in Mexico

Amy Erica Smith
Legitimate grievances: preferences for democracy, system support, and political participation Bolivia

Matthias Vom Hau
Unpacking the school: textbooks, teachers, and the construction of nationhood in Mexico, Argentina, And Peru

Isabel Bilhâo
La importancia del primero de mayo en la construcción de la identidad obrera: estudio centrado en Porto Alegre, Brasil, 1896-1920

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