26 feb 2010

Journal of social and personal relationships Vol. 26, No. 4, june 2009

Jennifer A.H. Becker, Amy Janan Johnson, et al ...
Friendships are flexible, not fragile: Turning points in geographically-close and long-distance friendships

Gözde Özdikmenli-Demir & Melike Sayil
Indivudualism-collectivism and conceptualizations of interpersonal relationships among Turkish children and their mothers

Max L. Gunther, Steven R. H. Beach, Nathan E. Yanasak, & L. Stephen Miller
Deciphering spousal intentions: An fNRI study of couple communication

Jamila Bookwala & Erin Fekete
The role of psycological resources in the affective well-being of never-married adults

Anne J. Woodward, Bruce M. Findlay, & Susan M. Moore
Peak and mystical experiences in intimate relationships

Rene M. Dailey, Kelly Rossetto, Abigail Pfieser, & Catherine A. Surra
A qualitative analysis of on-again romantic relationships: "It's up and down, all round"

Leslie A. Baxter, Dawn O. Braithwaite, Jodie Koening Kellas, et al...
Empty ritual: Young-adult stepchildren's perceptions of the remarriage ceremony

Walid A. Afifi & Tamara D. Afifi
Avoidance among adolescents in conversations about their parents' relationsghips: applying the theory of motivated information management

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