29 sept 2010

American historical review, vol. 115, no. 2, april 2010


Martin Luther's Body: The “Stout Doctor” and His Biographers
By Lyndal Roper

Suicide in Late Colonial Africa: The Evidence of Inquests from Nyasaland
By Megan Vaughan

AHR Forum: The State in South Asian History


Rule of Law, Rule of Life: Caste, Democracy, and the Courts in India
By David Gilmartin

Ethnicity, Indigeneity, and Migration in the Advent of British Rule to Sri Lanka
By Sujit Sivasundaram

Transcending Identity: Gandhi, Nonviolence, and the Pursuit of a “Different” Freedom in Modern India
By Mithi Mukherjee

“History Is Past Politics”? Archives, “Tainted Evidence,” and the Return of the State
By Todd Shepard

Featured Reviews
Leonard Y. Andaya. Leaves of the Same Tree: Trade and Ethnicity in the Straits of Melaka.
By Jean Gelman Taylor

Steve Pincus. 1688: The First Modern Revolution.
By Jeremy Black

Jon Elster. Alexis de Tocqueville, the First Social Scientist; Paul A. Rahe Soft Despotism, Democracy's Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville and the Modern Prospect.
By Samuel Moyn

S. A. Smith. Revolution and the People in Russia and China: A Comparative History.
By Gerald Surh

Lars Schoultz. That Infernal Little Cuban Republic: The United States and the Cuban Revolution.
By Piero Gleijeses

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