4 oct 2010

Eighteenthe century studies, vol. 43, no. 3, winter 2010

The Athens of England": Norwich as a Literary Center in the Late Eighteenth Century
David Chandler

Castles in the Air: Christopher Smart and the Concept of System
Scott M. Cleary

A Concert of Werthers
Robyn L. Schiffman

The Transformation of Caricature: A Reading of Gillray's The Liberty of the Subject
Ian Haywood

Castell's Pliny: Rewriting the Past for the Present
Yu Liu

Review Articles

On Seeing the Forest through the Trees: Finding Our Way through Revolutionary Politics, History, and Art
Julia V. Douthwaite

Shakespeare and the Culture Wars
Jean I. Marsden

Single Titles

How Eighteenth-Century Spain and Spanish America Challenge Scholarly Models of Modernity and Postmodern Enlightenment Paradigms
Margaret R. Ewalt

Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Studies, 1530-1900 (review)
Charles F. Walker

Imperial Saint: The Cult of St. Catherine and the Dawn of Female Rule in Russia (review)
Ruth P. Dawson

Moving Scenes: The Aesthetics of German Travel Writing on England 1783-1830 (review)
Michael Ritterson

Correspondance de Madame de Graffigny, tome 12: 20 juin 1751-18 août 1752, Lettres 1723-1906 (review)
Heidi Bostic

Everyday Revolutions: Eighteenth-Century Women Transforming Public and Private (review)
Kristi L. Krumnow

Anna Letitia Barbauld: Voice of the Enlightenment (review)
Lisa Vargo

Evangelicals in the Royal Navy 1775–1815: Blue Lights and Psalm-Singers (review)
Daniel J. Enis

Inside the Pirates' Boardroom
Hester Blum

Literary Historicity: Literature and Historical Experience in Eighteenth-Century Britain (review)
Philip Smalwood
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