1 dic 2012

New Left review (ed. español), 73, marzo-abril 2012


Cafruny, Alan y Timothy Lehmann
¿En el horizonte?


Schmitter, Philippe
Cómo clasificar una anomalía

Supiot, Alain
Bajo la mirada oriental

Müller, Jan-Werner
¿Más allá de la democracia militante?

Anderson, Perry
A posteriori

Streeck, Wolfgang
Mercados y pueblos


Brocheux, Pierre
Reflexiones sobre Vietnam


Stallabrass, Julian
La industria de Hockney

Xavier, Ismail
Maneras de escuchar en un medio visual

Tronti, Mario
Nuestro operaismo


Kandil, Hazem
¿Qué Edad de Oro?

Finn, Daniel
El Canto del Cisne del Soldado

Stephanson, Anders
Una Extraña Pareja



Página web: NLR español

New left review (ed. español), 71, noviembre-diciembre 2011


Streeck, Wolfgang
Las Crisis del Capitalismo Democrático

Riley, Dylan
Tony Judt: una mirada más serena

Davies, William
Economía política de la infelicidad

Elvin, Mark
Las múltiples revoluciones Chinas

Merrifield, Andy
Política de multitudes

Emery, Jacob
Arte de vestigios industriales


Anderson, Perry
El Mitólogo

Jameson, Fredric
Los Relojes de Dresde

Lukes, Steven
El Tábano



Página web: NLR español

México y la Cuenca del PacÍfico, 15 (44), mayo-agosto 2012


Santa Cruz, Arturo y José Jaime López Jiménez
México y Norteamérica hoy


Machikita, Tomohiro; Truong Thi Chi Binh y Yasushi Ueki
Effects of Cross-Border Engineer Exchange on Innovation: Firm-Level Evidence from Hanoi in Vietnam and Calabarzon in the Philippines

Lemus Delgado, Daniel Ricardo
La construcción de la imagen de la Gran China y el discurso de la cooperación internacional: el caso del Foro sobre Cooperación China-África     

Tzili Apango, Eduardo
China y la provisión de bienes públicos globales. Falacia sobre el ascenso hegemónico     

Palacios, Héctor
Japón y México: el inicio de sus relaciones y la inmigración japonesa durante el Porfiriato


Santiago Aceves
Estrategias económicas exitosas en Asia y en América Latina 

Página web: México y la cuenca...

New left review (ed. español), 70, septiembre-octubre 2011


Bull, Malcolm

Van der Pijl, Kees
Las revueltas árabes y la crisis del Estado-nación

Bag, Kheya
Ascenso y caída de la Bengala roja

Vanaik, Achin
Estrategias subcontinentales


Habermas, Jurgen
¿Qué significa el socialismo hoy?


Michl, Thomas
¿El Sector Financiero Como Clase?

Wood, Tony
Plata y Plomo

Zevin, Alexander
Crítica de la Razón Neocolonial



Página web: NLR español

Iberoamerica. América, España, Portugal, 12 (46), junio 2012

Artículos y ensayos

Groves, Tamar
La democracia se hace así. La movilización sindical de los maestros y la democratización de la sociedad española

Muñoz Sánchez, Antonio
Una introducción a la historia de la emigración española en la Republica Federal de Alemania (1960-1980)

Setton, Román
Las Memorias de Mr. Le Bond y los comienzos de la literatura policial argentina

"Infortunios de Alonso Ramírez!, de Carlos Sigüenza y Góngora: aproximaciones a una geografía poscolonial
Zinni, Mariana C.

Dossier: Espacios, fronteras, territorios: acerca de las prácticas culturales de la Frontera Norte

Trujillo Muñoz, Gabriel
Baja California: literatura y frontera

Palaversich, Diana
Ciudades invisibles. Tijuana en la obra de Federico Campbell, Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, Francisco Morales y Heriberto Yépez

Gewecke, Frauke
De espacios, fronteras, territorios: topografías literarias de la Frontera Norte (México)

Lomeli, Francisco A.
La frontera entre México y Estados Unidos: trasgresiones y convergencias en textos transfronterizos

Poblete, Juan
La Frontera como forma de experiencia cotidiana en la especialidad post-social

Foro de debate

Trucco, Pablo y Diana Tussie
La gran recesión y el retorno de la política en América del Sur

Nacht, Pablo Alejandro
América Latina y el Caribe ante la emergencia de China como socio ¿estratégico?

Rapoport, Mario; Eduardo Madrid
¿Una alianza estratégica entre Argentina y Brasil?


Molina, Eugenia
Relatos sobre los orígenes de la nación. Un balance historiográfico de la producción argentina sobre el proceso revolucionario desde el Bicentenario

Paatz, Anette
«Dos géneros narrativos»: aportaciones recientes sobre cuento y microrelato

Reseñas Iberoamericanas

30 nov 2012

Rural History, 23 (1), april 2012

Research Articles

Müller, Miriam
Conflict and Revolt: The Bishop of Ely and his Peasants at the Manor of Brandon in Suffolk c. 1300-81 

Hitchcock, David
A Typology of Travellers: Migration, Justice, and Vagrancy in Warwickshire, 1670–1730 

After the Clearances: Evander McIver and the ‘Highland Question’, 1835–73 
Richards, Eric and Annie Tindley

‘Come All and Bring Your Spades’: England and Arbor Day, c.1880 – 1914 
Hipperson, Julie

Burchardt, Jeremy
State and Society in the English Countryside: The Rural Community Movement 1918–39 


Shirley Brook, Andrew Walker and Rob Wheeler, eds, Lincoln Connections: Aspects of City and County since 1700. A Tribute to Dennis Mills, Lincoln, Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology, 2011. 143 pp.
Rod Ambler

Celia Cordle, Out of the Hay and into the Hops: Hop Cultivation in Wealden Kent and Hop Marketing in Southwark, 1744–2000, Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire Press, 2011. ix + 183 pp.
Brian Short

Paul Cullen, Richard Jones and David N. Parsons, Thorps in a Changing Landscape, Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire Press, 2011. 224 pp.
Ann Cole

Paul A Elliot, Charles Watkins and Stephen Daniels, The British Arboretum: Trees, Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century, London, Pickering and Chatto, 2011. 320 pp.
Julie Hipperson

P. D. A. Harvey, Manors and Maps in Rural England, from the Tenth Century to the Seventeenth. Ashgate, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Farnham, 2010. x + 340 pp.
Christopher Dyer

S. A. Mileson, Parks in Medieval England, Medieval History and Archaeology Series, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009. x + 219 pp.
Susan Kilby

M. Netzloff, ed., John Norden's The Surveyor's Dialogue, A Critical Edition, Ashgate, Farnham, 2010. 266 pp. + ten illustrations.
Jemima Matthews

Richard St. Barbe Baker, ed. Barrie Oldfield, Tall Timber: A Great Forester Revisits the Many People who Influenced the Course of his Long Life, Guildford WA, Men of the Trees Inc., Western Australian Branch, 2010. 344 pp.
Philip Conford

David Short, ed., An Historical Atlas of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire University Press, 2011, 224 pp.
Sarah Spooner

Peter Tolhurst, ed., with foreword by Richard Mabey, Knowing Your Place: East Anglian Landscapes and Literature, Norwich, Black Dog Books, 2009. 364 pp.
Philip Conford

Alexandra Walsham, The Reformation of the Landscape: Religion, Identity and Memory in Early Modern Britain and Ireland, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011. xvi + 637 pp.
Andrew Hopper

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Language acquisition, 19 (1), January-march 2012

From The Editor
Jeffrey Lidz


The Development of NP Selection in School-Age Children: Reference and Spanish Subject Pronouns
Shin, Naomi Lapidus & Helen Smith Cairns

Topicality and Complexity in the Acquisition of Norwegian Object Shift
Anderssen, Merete; Kristine Bentzen & Yulia Rodina

Brif article

Object Clitic Omission in French-Speaking Children: Effects of the Elicitation Task
Pirvulescu, Mihaela & Virginia Hill

Applied linguistics, 33 (1), february 2012


Copland, Fiona
Legitimate Talk in Feedback Conferences

Belhiah, Hassan
You Know Arnold Schwarzenegger? On Doing Questioning in Second Language Dyadic Tutorials

Al-Gahtani, Saad and Carsten Roever
Proficiency and Sequential Organization of L2 Requests

Pichette, François; Linda de Serres, and Marc Lafontaine
Sentence Reading and Writing for Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition

Mizumoto, Atsushi and Osamu Takeuchi
Adaptation and Validation of Self-regulating Capacity in Vocabulary Learning Scale

Rose, Heath
Reconceptualizing Strategic Learning in the Face of Self-Regulation: Throwing Language Learning Strategies out with the Bathwater


Reviewed by David Lasagabaster
Tara W. Fortune and Diane J. Tedick (eds): Pathways to Multilingualism: Evolving Perspectives on Immersion Education.

Reviewed by Salikoko S. Mufwene
Namhee Lee, Lisa Mikesell, Anna Dina L. Joacquin, Andrea W. Mates, and John H. Schumann: The Interactional Instinct: The Evolution and Acquisition of Language.

Reviewed by Mark Gottdiener
Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow (eds): Semiotic Landscapes: Language, Image, Space.

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Revistas Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

Demography, 49 (1), february 2012

Marriage and family

Explaining the Motherhood Wage Penalty During the Early Occupational Career
Staff, Jeremy and Jeylan T. Mortimer

Family Structure Transitions and Changes in Maternal Resources and Well-being
Osborne, Cynthia; Lawrence M. Berger and Katherine Magnuson

Beyond Absenteeism: Father Incarceration and Child Development
Geller, Amanda; Carey E. Cooper; Irwin Garfinkel, et al.

Skewed Sex Ratios at Birth and Future Marriage Squeeze in China and India, 2005–2100
Guilmoto, Christophe Z.


The Quality of Male Fertility Data in Major U.S. Surveys
Joyner, Kara; H. Elizabeth Peters; Kathryn Hynes, Asia Sikora, et al.

Utilization of Infertility Treatments: The Effects of Insurance Mandates
Bitler, Marianne P. and Lucie Schmidt

Can We Still Learn Something From the Relationship Between Fertility and Mother’s Employment? Evidence From Developing Countries
Cáceres-Delpiano, Julio

Union Instability as an Engine of Fertility? A Microsimulation Model for France
Thomson, Elizabeth; Maria Winkler-Dworak; Martin Spielauer and Alexia Prskawetz

Migration and immigration

Different Reasons, Different Results: Implications of Migration by Gender and Family Status
Geist, Claudia and Patricia A. McManus

The Value of an Employment-Based Green Card
Mukhopadhyay, Sankar and David Oxborrow

Migration, Marital Change, and HIV Infection in Malawi
Anglewicz, Philip

Disability and mortality

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Including Group Quarters Residents With Household Residents Can Change What We Know About Working-Age People With Disabilities
Stapleton, David; Todd Honeycutt and Bruce Schechter

Modeling Disability Trajectories and Mortality of the Oldest-Old in China
Zimmer, Zachary; Linda G. Martin; Daniel S. Nagin and Bobby L. Jones

Educational Attainment and Adult Mortality in the United States: A Systematic Analysis of Functional Form
Montez, Jennifer Karas; Robert A. Hummer and Mark D. Hayward


Educational Inequality by Race in Brazil, 1982–2007: Structural Changes and Shifts in Racial Classification
Marteleto, Leticia J.

Assessing Asset Indices
Filmer, Deon and Kinnon Scott

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Revistas Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP

First language, 32 (1-2), February-may 2012

Special Double Issue on Linguistic Interfaces and Language Acquisition in Childhood
Guest editors: Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes and Jason Rothman

Editorial Introduction

Jason Rothman and Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes
Linguistic interfaces and language acquisition in childhood: Introduction to the special issue


Demuth, Katherine; Meghan Patrolia; Jae Yung Song, and Matthew Masapollo
The development of articles in children’s early Spanish: Prosodic interactions between lexical and grammatical form

Zdorenko, Tatiana and Johanne Paradis
Articles in child L2 English: When L1 and L2 acquisition meet at the interface

Sekerina, Irina A. and John C. Trueswell
Interactive processing of contrastive expressions by Russian children

Liceras, Juana M.; Raquel Fernández Fuertes, and Anahí Alba de la Fuente
Overt subjects and copula omission in the Spanish and the English grammar of English–Spanish bilinguals: On the locus and directionality of interlinguistic influence

Stringer, David
The lexical interface in L1 acquisition: What children have to say about radical concept nativism

Cat, Cécile de
Explaining children’s over-use of definites in partitive contexts

Larrañaga, Pilar and Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes
Clitics in L1 bilingual acquisition

Bittner, Dagmar and Milena Kuehnast
Comprehension of intersentential pronouns in child German and child Bulgarian

Schmitz, Katrin; Marisa Patuto, and Natascha Müller
The null-subject parameter at the interface between syntax and pragmatics: Evidence from bilingual German–Italian, German–French and Italian–French children

Hyams, Nina
Eventivity effects in early grammar: The case of non-finite verbs


Owen Van Horne, Amanda J.
Overcoming language barriers: Interfaces between disciplines

Thornton, Rosalind
Studies at the interface of child language and models of language acquisition

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Journal of Latin American studies, 44 (1), february 2012

Research Articles

‘Land for Those Who Work It’: A Visual Analysis of Agrarian Reform Posters in Velasco's Peru 
Cant, Anna

Still Looking for Liberation? Lutherans in El Salvador and Nicaragua 
Chapman, Richard M.

In the Absence of Men? Gender, Migration and Domestic Labour in the Southern Ecuadorean Andes 
Abbots, Emma-Jayne

From Insurgent to Transgressive Citizenship: Housing, Social Movements and the Politics of Rights in São Paulo 
Earle, Lucy

Judges without Robes and Judicial Voting in Contexts of Institutional Instability: The Case of Ecuador's Constitutional Court, 1999–2007 
Basabe-Serrano, Santiago

Book reviews

José C. Moya (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. xxi + 526.
Baud, Michiel

John Frederick Schwaller, The History of the Catholic Church in Latin America: From Conquest to Revolution and Beyond (New York and London: New York University Press, 2011), pp. ix +319.
Cleary, Edward L.

Ingrid Wehr and Hans-Jürgen Burchardt (eds.), Soziale Ungleichheiten in Lateinamerika: Neue Perspektiven auf Wirtschaft, Politik und Umwelt (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011) pp. 334.
Ebenau, Matthias

Greg Grandin and Gilbert M. Joseph (eds.), A Century of Revolution: Insurgent and Counterinsurgent Violence during Latin America's Cold War (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. x + 443.
Lindo-Fuentes, Héctor

Andrew J. Kirkendall, Paulo Freire and the Cold War Politics of Literacy (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2010), pp. xvi + 264.
Héctor Lindo-Fuentes

James N. Green, We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the United States (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. xiv + 450.
Cliff Welch

William F. Connell, After Moctezuma: Indigenous Politics and Self-Government in Mexico City, 1524–1730 (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2011), pp. xviii + 316.
John K. Chance

Brian Larkin, The Very Nature of God: Baroque Catholicism and Religious Reform in Bourbon Mexico City (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2010), pp. xiii + 312.
Brian Connaughton

Alan Durston, Pastoral Quechua: The History of Christian Translation in Colonial Peru, 1550–1650 (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007), pp. xiii + 395.
Andrew Redden

Alejandra B. Osorio, Inventing Lima: Baroque Modernity in Peru's South Sea Metropolis (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), pp. xvii + 254.
Natalia Sobrevilla Perea

María Teresa Calderón and Clément Thibaud, La majestad de los pueblos en la Nueva Granada y Venezuela, 1780–1832 (Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2010), pp. 314.
Matthew Brown

Pamela S. Murray, For Glory and Bolívar: The Remarkable Life of Manuela Sáenz (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2008), pp. xiv + 222. 
Karen Racine

William Edmundson, The Nitrate King: A Biography of ‘Colonel’ John Thomas North (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. xxviii + 186.
Robert G. Greenhill

Oliver J. Dinius, Brazil's Steel City: Developmentalism, Strategic Power, and Industrial Relations in Volta Redonda, 1941–1964 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2011), pp. xxi + 352.
Joel Wolfe

Kurt E. von Mettenheim, Federal Banking in Brazil: Policies and Competitive Advantages (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2010), pp. xii + 228.
Iain Hardie

Wendy Wolford, This Land is Ours Now: Social Mobilization and the Meanings of Land in Brazil (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. xii + 281.
Markus Kröger

Margaret Willson, Dance Lest We All Fall Down: Breaking Cycles of Poverty in Brazil and Beyond (Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 2010), pp. xvii + 305.
Marit Ursin

Ricardo D. Salvatore, Subalternos, derechos y justicia penal: ensayos de historia social y cultural argentina, 1829–1940 (Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial, 2010), pp. 351. 
Adriana Novoa

Loris Zanatta, Eva Perón: una biografía política (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2011), pp. 458.
Mariano Ben Plotkin

Raanan Rein, Argentine Jews or Jewish Argentines? Essays on Ethnicity, Identity, and Diaspora (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010), pp. xxvi + 286.
Steven Hyland

Kate Swanson, Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador's Urban Spaces (Athens, GA, and London: University of Georgia Press, 2010), pp. xiv + 146.
Samantha Punch

Ralph S. Clem and Anthony P. Maingot (eds.), Venezuela's Petro-Diplomacy: Hugo Chávez's Foreign Policy (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2011), pp. x + 162.
Steve Ellner

Jeffery R. Webber, From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia: Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation, and the Politics of Evo Morales (Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2011), pp. x+ 281.
Nancy Postero and Devin Beaulieu

Assad Shoman, A History of Belize in 13 Chapters (2nd edition, Belize City: Angelus Press, 2011), pp. xvii + 461.
Victor Bulmer-Thomas

Howard Jones, The Bay of Pigs (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. xvi + 237.
Christopher Hull

Mo Hume, The Politics of Violence: Gender, Conflict and Community in El Salvador (Malden, MA, and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), pp. xii + 199.
Leigh Binford

Ellen Moodie, El Salvador in the Aftermath of Peace: Crime, Uncertainty, and the Transition to Democracy (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010), pp. 294.
Sonja Wolf

Stephanie J. Smith, Gender and the Mexican Revolution: Yucatán Women and the Realities of Patriarchy (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2009), pp. xi + 257.
Patience A. Schell

Amelia M. Kiddle and Maria L. O. Muñoz (eds.), Populism in 20th Century Mexico: The Presidencies of Lázaro Cárdenas and Luis Echeverría (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2010), pp. xiii + 296.
Benjamin T. Smith

Elizabeth Fitting, The Struggle for Maize: Campesinos, Workers and Transgenic Corn in the Mexican Countryside (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2011), pp. xi + 302.
Gabriela Soto Laveaga

Todd Eisenstadt, Politics, Identity, and Mexico's Indigenous Rights Movements (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. xv + 208.
María Inclán

Larissa Adler-Lomnitz Rodrigo Salazar-Elena and Ilya Adler, Symbolism and Ritual in a One-Party Regime: Unveiling Mexico's Political Culture (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2010), pp. xv + 368.
Kathleen Bruhn

Ronald L. Mize and Alicia C. S. Swords, Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011), pp. xlii + 294.
Leigh Binford

Howard Campbell, Drug War Zone: Frontline Dispatches from the Streets of El Paso and Juárez (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2009), pp. vi + 310.
Sonja Wolf

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Publicaciones Electrónicas Bibliotecas BUAP