30 nov 2012

Journal of Latin American studies, 44 (1), february 2012

Research Articles

‘Land for Those Who Work It’: A Visual Analysis of Agrarian Reform Posters in Velasco's Peru 
Cant, Anna

Still Looking for Liberation? Lutherans in El Salvador and Nicaragua 
Chapman, Richard M.

In the Absence of Men? Gender, Migration and Domestic Labour in the Southern Ecuadorean Andes 
Abbots, Emma-Jayne

From Insurgent to Transgressive Citizenship: Housing, Social Movements and the Politics of Rights in São Paulo 
Earle, Lucy

Judges without Robes and Judicial Voting in Contexts of Institutional Instability: The Case of Ecuador's Constitutional Court, 1999–2007 
Basabe-Serrano, Santiago

Book reviews

José C. Moya (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. xxi + 526.
Baud, Michiel

John Frederick Schwaller, The History of the Catholic Church in Latin America: From Conquest to Revolution and Beyond (New York and London: New York University Press, 2011), pp. ix +319.
Cleary, Edward L.

Ingrid Wehr and Hans-Jürgen Burchardt (eds.), Soziale Ungleichheiten in Lateinamerika: Neue Perspektiven auf Wirtschaft, Politik und Umwelt (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2011) pp. 334.
Ebenau, Matthias

Greg Grandin and Gilbert M. Joseph (eds.), A Century of Revolution: Insurgent and Counterinsurgent Violence during Latin America's Cold War (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. x + 443.
Lindo-Fuentes, Héctor

Andrew J. Kirkendall, Paulo Freire and the Cold War Politics of Literacy (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2010), pp. xvi + 264.
Héctor Lindo-Fuentes

James N. Green, We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the United States (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. xiv + 450.
Cliff Welch

William F. Connell, After Moctezuma: Indigenous Politics and Self-Government in Mexico City, 1524–1730 (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2011), pp. xviii + 316.
John K. Chance

Brian Larkin, The Very Nature of God: Baroque Catholicism and Religious Reform in Bourbon Mexico City (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2010), pp. xiii + 312.
Brian Connaughton

Alan Durston, Pastoral Quechua: The History of Christian Translation in Colonial Peru, 1550–1650 (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007), pp. xiii + 395.
Andrew Redden

Alejandra B. Osorio, Inventing Lima: Baroque Modernity in Peru's South Sea Metropolis (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), pp. xvii + 254.
Natalia Sobrevilla Perea

María Teresa Calderón and Clément Thibaud, La majestad de los pueblos en la Nueva Granada y Venezuela, 1780–1832 (Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2010), pp. 314.
Matthew Brown

Pamela S. Murray, For Glory and Bolívar: The Remarkable Life of Manuela Sáenz (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2008), pp. xiv + 222. 
Karen Racine

William Edmundson, The Nitrate King: A Biography of ‘Colonel’ John Thomas North (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. xxviii + 186.
Robert G. Greenhill

Oliver J. Dinius, Brazil's Steel City: Developmentalism, Strategic Power, and Industrial Relations in Volta Redonda, 1941–1964 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2011), pp. xxi + 352.
Joel Wolfe

Kurt E. von Mettenheim, Federal Banking in Brazil: Policies and Competitive Advantages (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2010), pp. xii + 228.
Iain Hardie

Wendy Wolford, This Land is Ours Now: Social Mobilization and the Meanings of Land in Brazil (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2010), pp. xii + 281.
Markus Kröger

Margaret Willson, Dance Lest We All Fall Down: Breaking Cycles of Poverty in Brazil and Beyond (Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 2010), pp. xvii + 305.
Marit Ursin

Ricardo D. Salvatore, Subalternos, derechos y justicia penal: ensayos de historia social y cultural argentina, 1829–1940 (Barcelona: Gedisa Editorial, 2010), pp. 351. 
Adriana Novoa

Loris Zanatta, Eva Perón: una biografía política (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2011), pp. 458.
Mariano Ben Plotkin

Raanan Rein, Argentine Jews or Jewish Argentines? Essays on Ethnicity, Identity, and Diaspora (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2010), pp. xxvi + 286.
Steven Hyland

Kate Swanson, Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador's Urban Spaces (Athens, GA, and London: University of Georgia Press, 2010), pp. xiv + 146.
Samantha Punch

Ralph S. Clem and Anthony P. Maingot (eds.), Venezuela's Petro-Diplomacy: Hugo Chávez's Foreign Policy (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2011), pp. x + 162.
Steve Ellner

Jeffery R. Webber, From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia: Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation, and the Politics of Evo Morales (Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2011), pp. x+ 281.
Nancy Postero and Devin Beaulieu

Assad Shoman, A History of Belize in 13 Chapters (2nd edition, Belize City: Angelus Press, 2011), pp. xvii + 461.
Victor Bulmer-Thomas

Howard Jones, The Bay of Pigs (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. xvi + 237.
Christopher Hull

Mo Hume, The Politics of Violence: Gender, Conflict and Community in El Salvador (Malden, MA, and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), pp. xii + 199.
Leigh Binford

Ellen Moodie, El Salvador in the Aftermath of Peace: Crime, Uncertainty, and the Transition to Democracy (Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010), pp. 294.
Sonja Wolf

Stephanie J. Smith, Gender and the Mexican Revolution: Yucatán Women and the Realities of Patriarchy (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2009), pp. xi + 257.
Patience A. Schell

Amelia M. Kiddle and Maria L. O. Muñoz (eds.), Populism in 20th Century Mexico: The Presidencies of Lázaro Cárdenas and Luis Echeverría (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2010), pp. xiii + 296.
Benjamin T. Smith

Elizabeth Fitting, The Struggle for Maize: Campesinos, Workers and Transgenic Corn in the Mexican Countryside (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2011), pp. xi + 302.
Gabriela Soto Laveaga

Todd Eisenstadt, Politics, Identity, and Mexico's Indigenous Rights Movements (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. xv + 208.
María Inclán

Larissa Adler-Lomnitz Rodrigo Salazar-Elena and Ilya Adler, Symbolism and Ritual in a One-Party Regime: Unveiling Mexico's Political Culture (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2010), pp. xv + 368.
Kathleen Bruhn

Ronald L. Mize and Alicia C. S. Swords, Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011), pp. xlii + 294.
Leigh Binford

Howard Campbell, Drug War Zone: Frontline Dispatches from the Streets of El Paso and Juárez (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2009), pp. vi + 310.
Sonja Wolf

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