30 nov 2012

Applied linguistics, 33 (1), february 2012


Copland, Fiona
Legitimate Talk in Feedback Conferences

Belhiah, Hassan
You Know Arnold Schwarzenegger? On Doing Questioning in Second Language Dyadic Tutorials

Al-Gahtani, Saad and Carsten Roever
Proficiency and Sequential Organization of L2 Requests

Pichette, François; Linda de Serres, and Marc Lafontaine
Sentence Reading and Writing for Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition

Mizumoto, Atsushi and Osamu Takeuchi
Adaptation and Validation of Self-regulating Capacity in Vocabulary Learning Scale

Rose, Heath
Reconceptualizing Strategic Learning in the Face of Self-Regulation: Throwing Language Learning Strategies out with the Bathwater


Reviewed by David Lasagabaster
Tara W. Fortune and Diane J. Tedick (eds): Pathways to Multilingualism: Evolving Perspectives on Immersion Education.

Reviewed by Salikoko S. Mufwene
Namhee Lee, Lisa Mikesell, Anna Dina L. Joacquin, Andrea W. Mates, and John H. Schumann: The Interactional Instinct: The Evolution and Acquisition of Language.

Reviewed by Mark Gottdiener
Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow (eds): Semiotic Landscapes: Language, Image, Space.

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