6 may 2013

Medical anthropology quarterly, 26 (1), 2012

Special Focus Section

Introduction to the Special Focus Section 
Messinger, Seth D.

Sacrificial Limbs of Sovereignty: Disabled Veterans, Masculinity, and Nationalist Politics in Turkey 
Açıksöz, Salih Can

Labors of Love: The Transformation of Care in the Non-Medical Attendant Program at Walter Reed Army Medical Center 
Wool, Zoë H. and Seth D. Messinger

Armor and Anesthesia: Exposure, Feeling, and the Soldier's Body 
MacLeish, Kenneth T.


“Living Cadavers” in Bangladesh: Bioviolence in the Human Organ Bazaar
Moniruzzaman Monir

Asthma Episodes: Stigma, Children, and Hollywood Films 
Clark, Cindy Dell

Responsible Choices: Situating Pregnancy Intention among Haitians in South Florida 
Fordyce, Lauren

The Weight of the Self: Care and Compassion in Guatemalan Dietary Choices
Yates-Doerr, Emily

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