13 may 2013

American Sociologist, 43 (4), december 2012

Efremenko, Dmitry and Evseeva, Yaroslava
Studies of Social Solidarity in Russia: Tradition and Modern Trends

Krotov, Pavel
Pitirim Sorokin Studies in Russia in the Context of the New Section on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity in the American Sociological Association

Nichols, Lawrence T.
Sorokin as Lifelong Russian Intellectual: The Enactment of an Historically Rooted Sensibility

Pearce, Susan C.
The “Turkish Model” of Sociology: East–West Science, State Formation, and the Post-Secular

Athens, Lonnie
Mead’s Analysis of Social Conflict: A Radical Interactionist’s Critique

Porter, Jeremy R. and Ecklund, Elaine Howard
Missing Data in Sociological Research: An Overview of Recent Trends and an Illustration for Controversial Questions, Active Nonrespondents and Targeted Samples

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