14 mar 2013

Critique of Anthropology, 32 (3), september 2012


Walsh, Casey 
Anthropology and the commodity form: The Philadelphia Commercial Museum
Macip, Ricardo F.

For the turtles’ sake: Miracles, the third sector and hegemony on the coast of Oaxaca (Mexico)
Allen, Lori
The scales of occupation: ‘Operation Cast Lead’ and the targeting of the Gaza Strip

Hage, Ghassan
Critical anthropological thought and the radical political imaginary today

Green, Maia
Anticipatory development: Mobilizing civil society in Tanzania

Raeymaekers, Timothy
Reshaping the state in its margins: The state, the market and the subaltern on a Central African frontier

Book Reviews

Irina Carlota Silber
Ellen Moodie, El Salvador in the Aftermath of Peace: Crime, Uncertainty, and the Transition to Democracy

Anja Nygren
Javier Auyero and Débora Alejandra Swistun, Flammable: Environmental Suffering in an Argentine Shantytown

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