14 mar 2013

Economy and society, 41 (4), november 2012

Original Articles

Styan, David
Sami Zubaida, modernity, politics and a social Middle East. Introduction

Al-Azmeh, Aziz
Civilization as a political disposition

Kandiyoti, Deniz
The travails of the secular: puzzle and paradox in Turkey

Egypt without Mubarak, Tunisia after Bin Ali: theory, history and the ‘Arab Spring’
Kienle, Eberhard

Revisiting the Middle East's 1979
Bozarslan, Hamit

Zubaida, Sami
The ‘Arab Spring’ in the historical perspectives of Middle East politics

Owen, Roger
A salute to Sami Zubaida's influence

Shafiee, Katayoun
A petro-formula and its world: calculating profits, labour and production in the assembling of Anglo-Iranian oil

Secrecy jurisdictions and economic development in Africa: the role of sovereign spaces of exception in producing private wealth and public poverty
Bracking, Sarah

Waiting for change: youth, caste and politics in India
Jeffrey, Craig & Young, Stephen

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