12 mar 2013

Discourse and society, 23 (2), march 2012


Bassiouney, Reem
Politicizing identity: Code choice and stance-taking during the Egyptian revolution

Fetzer, Anita and Bull, Peter
Doing leadership in political speech: Semantic processes and pragmatic inferences

Patrona, Marianna
Journalists on the news: The structured panel discussion as a form of broadcast talk

Mieroop, Dorien Van De and Clifton, Jonathan
The interactional negotiation of group membership and ethnicity: The case of an interview with a former slave

Vuković, Milica
Positioning in pre-prepared and spontaneous parliamentary discourse: Choice of person in the Parliament of Montenegro

Book reviews

Nicolina Montesano Montessori
Book review: Norman Blaikie, Designing Social Research

Sabrina B. Fadanelli
Book review: Teun A. van Dijk (ed.), Racism and Discourse in Latin America

Hongyan Zhang
Book review: Roland Boer, Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes

Hongyan Zhang
Book review: Jan Renkema (ed.), Discourse, of Course: An Overview of Research in Discourse Studies

Georgios Kesisoglou
Book review: Andrew Mckinlay and Chris Mcvittie, Social Psychology and Discourse

Stephanie Garling
Book review: Christiane Marxhausen, Identität – Repräsentation – Diskurs: Eine handlungsorientierte linguistische Diskursanalyse zur Erfassung raumbezogener Identitätsangebote

Zhong Hong
Book review: Holger Limberg, The Interactional Organization of Academic Talk: Office Hour Consultations

Yeny Serrano
Book review: Kay Richardson, Television Dramatic Dialogue: A Sociolinguistic Study 

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