22 jul 2013

International Journal of urban and regional research, 36 (6), november 2012


Liu, Cathy Yang
From Los Angeles to Shanghai: Testing the Applicability of Five Urban Paradigms

Nasongkhla, Sirima Tongsupa and Sintusingha, Sidh
Conflicting Green Landscape Ideologies in a Tai Rural Town in Thailand

Topal, Aylin
Uneven Access to Local Power: Entrepreneurial Domination in the Design of Local Development in Chihuahua, Mexico

Bassoli, Matteo
Participatory Budgeting in Italy: An Analysis of (Almost Democratic) Participatory Governance Arrangements

Miraftab, Faranak
Emergent Transnational Spaces: Meat, Sweat and Global (Re)Production in the Heartland

Pattaroni, Luca; Kaufmann, Vincent and Thomas, Marie-Paule
The Dynamics of Multifaceted Gentrification: A Comparative Analysis of the Trajectories of Six Neighbourhoods in the Île-de-France Region

Jones, Stephen
A Tale of Two Cities: Climate Change Policies in Vancouver and Melbourne — Barometers of Cooperative Federalism?

Taşan-Kok, Tuna and Korthals Altes, Willem K.
Rescaling Europe: Effects of Single European Market Regulations on Localized Networks of Governance in Land Development 

Andrew, Caroline and Doloreux, David
Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Urban Governance: The Case of the City-Region of Ottawa in Canada 

Doan, Petra and Oduro, Charles Yaw
Patterns of Population Growth in Peri-Urban Accra, Ghana 

Kabisch, Nadja; Haase, Dagmar and Haase, Annegret
Urban Population Development in Europe, 1991–2008: The Examples of Poland and the UK 

Book Reviews

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