22 jul 2013

Narrative inquiry, 22 (1), 2012

Michael Bamberg      


Molina-Markham, Elizabeth
Lives that preach: The cultural dimensions of telling one’s “spiritual journey” among Quakers

Norrick, Neal R.
Swearing in literary prose fiction and conversational narrative

Squire, Corinne
Narratives, connections and social change

Tabatabai, Ahoo
Crafting sexual authenticity: Women’s accounts of relationships with women and men

Thompson, Riki
Screwed up, but working on it: (Dis)ordering the self through e-stories

Vasquez, Camilla
Narrativity and involvement in online consumer reviews: The case of TripAdvisor

Mieroop, Dorien Van De
Maneuvering between the individual and the social dimensions of narratives in a poor man’s discursive negotiation of stigma

Forum Articles
Striano            , Maura
Reconstructing narrative: A new paradigm for narrative research and practice

Bochner, Arthur P
On first-person narrative scholarship: Autoethnography as acts of meaning

Bromberg, Joann Berlin
Uses of conversational narrative: Exchanging personal experience in everyday life

Esteban-Guitart, Moisès       
Towards a multimethodological approach to identification of funds of identity, small stories and master narratives

Strong, Tom and Knight, Sarah
Agency and dialogic tension in co-editing more preferred narratives

Schachter, Elli P
“When possible, make a U-turn”: Reflecting on ‘the narrative turn’, meaning, morality and identity

Early, Margaret and Norton, Bonny
Language learner stories and imagined identities

Bamberg, Michael     
Why narrative?

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