22 jul 2013

New literary history, 43 (4), Autumn 2012

A New Europe?

Rita Felski

Bohrer, Karl Heinz and Cronin, Ciaran
"Europe" as Utopia: Causes of Its Decline

Rigney, Ann
Transforming Memory and the European Project

Mouffe, Chantal
An Agonistic Approach to the Future of Europe

Beck, Ulrich and Cronin, Ciaran
The European Crisis in the Context of Cosmopolitization

Göle, Nilüfer
Decentering Europe, Recentering Islam

Wieviorka, Michel and Eburne, Jonathan P.
A Critique of Europe

Elsaesser, Thomas
European Cinema and the Postheroic Narrative: Jean-Luc Nancy, Claire Denis, and Beau Travail

Parvulescu, Anca
Old Europe, New Europe, Eastern Europe: Reflections on a Minor Character in Fassbinder's Ali, Fear Eats the Soul

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