24 may 2010

Applied Lingusitics, Vol. 30, No. 4, december 2009

Special issue: Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency (CAF) in Second Language Acquisition Research


Alex Housen and Folkert Kuiken
Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency in Second Language Acquisition

Rod Ellis
The Differential Effects of Three Types of Task Planning on the Fluency, Complexity, and Accuracy in L2 Oral Production

Peter Skehan
Modelling Second Language Performance: Integrating Complexity, Accuracy, Fluency, and Lexis

Peter Robinson, Teresa Cadierno, and Yasuhiro Shirai
Time and Motion: Measuring the Effects of the Conceptual Demands of Tasks on Second Language Speech Production

John M. Norris and Lourdes Ortega
Towards an Organic Approach to Investigating CAF in Instructed SLA: The Case of Complexity

Diane Larsen-Freeman
Adjusting Expectations: The Study of Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency in Second Language Acquisition

Gabriele Pallotti
CAF: Defining, Refining and Differentiating Constructs


Alan Waters
‘To mediate relevantly’: a response to James Simpson

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