Rita Felski and Susan Stanford Friedman
R. Radhakrishnan
Why Compare?
Robert Stam and Ella Shohat
Transnationalizing Comparison: The Uses and Abuses of Cross-Cultural Analogy
Ania Loomba
Race and the Possibilities of Comparative Critique
Pheng Cheah
The Material World of Comparison
Bruce Robbins
Chomsky's Golden Rule: Comparison and Cosmopolitanism
Rebecca L. Walkowitz
Comparison Literature
Mary N. Layoun
Endings and Beginnings: Reimagining the Tasks and Spaces of Comparison
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Rethinking Comparativism
Richard Handler
The Uses of Incommensurability in Anthropology
Caroline B. Brettell
Anthropology, Migration, and Comparative Consciousness

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