11 may 2010

Review : journal of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations Vol. 32, No. 1, 2009

Political economic perspectives on the world food crisis
(Philip McMichael, Especial Editor)

Philip McMichael
Interpreting the World Food Crisis of 2007-08

Raj Patel & Philip McMichael
A Political Economy of the Food Riot

Lucy Jarosz
The Political Economy of Global Governance and the World Food Crisi: The Case of the FAO

Shalmali Guttal
New and Old Faces of Hunger: Cambodia, Timor Lester, and Food Crises

John Wilkinson
The Emerging Global Biofuels Market

Farshad Araghi
Accumulation by Displacement: Global Enclosure, Food Crisis, and The Ecological Contradictions of Capitalism

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