Michèle Bokobza Kahan
Defoe and China
G. A. Starr
Displaying Materials: Porcelain and Natural History in the Duchess of Portland’s Museum
Stacey Sloboda
“A Lock Upon My Lips”: The Melodrama of Silencing and Censorship in Thomas Holcroft’s Knave, or Not?
Amy Garnai
The Persistent Differentiation: The Swedish Education Commission’s Reform Work, 1724–1778
Thomas Kaiserfeld
Review Article
The Matter of Sculpture
Dorothy Johnson
Fresh Legacies: Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s Enduring Style and Grand Tour Appeal
Clorinda Donato
Old Age in England
Pat Thane
Reopening the Question of Class Formation
Melissa M. Mowry
Single Title Reviews
The Ties That Buy: Women and Commerce in Revolutionary America (review)
Sheila Skemp
Phillis Wheatley’s Poetics of Liberation: Backgrounds and Contexts (review)
Phillip M. Richards
Dangerous Economies: Status and Commerce in Imperial New York (review)
Joyce D. Goodfriend
Alexander Hamilton and Provincial America: Expanding the Orbit of Scottish Culture (review)
Susan C. Imbarrato
Pietism in Germany and North America 1680–1820 (review)
Bethany Wiggin
British Women Poets of the Long Eighteenth Century: An Anthology (review)
Ina Schabert
Women Writing Music in Late Eighteenth-Century England: Social Harmony in Literature and Performance (review)
Ellen T. Harris
Mozart, Haydn and Early Beethoven, 1781–1802 (review)
Joan G. Gonzalez
The Age of Projects (review)
David Alff
Shaky Colonialism: The 1746 Earthquake-Tsunami in Lima, Peru and its Long Aftermath (review)
Peter Klaren
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