4 oct 2010

Journal of familiy history, vol. 35, no. 1, january 2010

Special issue: African Childhoods
Guest Editors: Audra A. Diptee and Martin A. Klein

Audra A. Diptee and Martin A. Klein
African Childhoods and the Colonial Project

Jeremy Rich
Searching for Success: Boys, Family Aspirations, and Opportunities in Gabon, ca. 1900-1940

Christopher J. Lee
Children in the Archives: Epistolary Evidence, Youth Agency, and the Social Meanings of “Coming of Age” in Interwar Nyasaland

Simon Heap
“Their Days are Spent in Gambling and Loafing, Pimping for Prostitutes, and Picking Pockets”: Male Juvenile Delinquents on Lagos Island, 1920s-1960s

Jelmer Vos
Child Slaves and Freemen at the Spiritan Mission in Soyo, 1880-1885

Todd Cleveland
Minors in Name Only: Child Laborers on the Diamond Mines of the Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), 1917-1975

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