20 oct 2010

Human organization, vol. 69, no. 2, summer 2010

Aspects of Human Ecológica! Communities

Thomas F Thornton
A Tale of Three Parks: Tlingit Conservation, Representation and Repatriation in Southeast Alaska's National Parks

Deanna Marie Kingston and Elizabeth Marino
Twice Removed: King Islanders' Experience of "Community" Through Two Relocations

Jeffery W. Bentley, Paul Van Melé, and George K. Acheampong
Experimental by Nature: Rice Farmers in Ghana

Mark Moritz
Understanding Herder-Farmer Conflicts in West África: Outline of a Processual Approach

Thomas Foster, Lisa Olsen, Virginia Dale, and Arthur Cohén
Studying the Past for the Future: Managing Modern Biodiversity from Historie and Prehistoric Data

Feel Good Fisheries

Courtland L. Smith and Patricia M. Clay
Measuring Subjective and Objective Well-Being: Analyses from Five Marine Commercial Fisheries

Michael Paolisso and Nicole Dery
A Cultural Model Assessment of Oyster Restoration Alternatives for the Chesapeake Bay

Susan Andreatta and Anne Parlier
The Political Ecology of Small-Scale Commercial Fishermen in Carteret County, North Carolina

AIDS, Action, and Activism

Keiko Goto, Gretel H. Pelto, David L. Pelletier, and Jennifer S. Tiffany
"It Really Opened My Eyes:" The Effects on Youth Peer Educators of Participating in an Action Research Project

Jill Owczarzak
Activism, NGOs, and HIV Prevention in Postsocialist Poland: The Role of  Anti-Politics"

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