10 ago 2012

Narrative inquiry, 21 (2), 2011

Bamberg, Michael

O'Donnell, Hugh; Castelló, Enric
Neighbourhood squabbles or claims of right?: Narratives of conflict on Spanish and Catalan television

Dillon, Lisette
Writing the self: The emergence of a dialogic space

Scott, Julie-Ann
Attending to the disembodied character in research on professional narratives: How the performance analysis of physically disabled professionals' personal stories provides insight into the role of the body in narratives of professional identity

Elkad-Lehman, Ilana; Greensfeld, Hava
Intertextuality as an interpretative method in qualitative research

Lalvani, Priya
Constructing the (m)other: Dominant and contested narratives on mothering a child with Down syndrome

Forum Articles

Monteagudo, José González
Jerome Bruner and the challenges of the narrative turn: Then and now

Smorti, Andrea
Autobiographical memory and autobiographical narrative: What is the relationship?

Hammack, Phillip L.
Narrative and the politics of meaning

Gregg, Gary S.
Identity in life narratives

Daiute, Colette
Trouble-In, around, and between narratives

Czarniawska, Barbara
Narrating organization studies

Bhatia, Sunil
Narrative inquiry as cultural psychology: Meaning-making in a contested global world

Gee, James Paul
Stories, probes, and games

Holquist, Michael
Narrative reflections — After After Virtue

Ritivoi, Andreea Deciu
Virtuous selves in vicious times: Alasdair MacIntyre on narrative identity

Gergen, Kenneth J. ; Gergen, Mary M.
Narrative tensions: Perilous and productive

Lannamann, John W.; McNamee, Sheila
Narratives of the interactive moment

Westlund, Andrea C.
Narrative necessity and the fixity of meaning in a life

Woods, Angela
Post-narrative — An appeal

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