Jensen, Nathan M. and René Lindstädt
Leaning Right and Learning From the Left: Diffusion of Corporate Tax Policy Across Borders
Barrington, Lowell W.
Fragile Snapshot or Stable Relationships?: What the Orange and Rose Revolutions Reveal About the Stability of Cross-Sectional Survey Data
Maeda, Ko
An Irrational Party of Rational Members: The Collision of Legislators’ Reelection Quest With Party Success in the Japan Socialist Party
Abrahms, Max
The Political Effectiveness of Terrorism Revisited
Book Reviews
Graeme B. Robertson
Book Review: State Building in Putin’s Russia: Policing and Coercion After Communism
Gulnaz Sharafutdinova
Book Review: The Politics of Protest in Hybrid Regimes: Managing Dissent in Post-Communist Russia
Brian D. Taylor
Book Review: Political Consequences of Crony Capitalism Inside Russia
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