10 ago 2012

The Americas, 68 (4), april 2012


Beard-Pulling and Furniture-Rearranging: Conflict Within the Seventeenth-Century Audiencia of Santo Domingo
Marc Eagle

Fleeing into Slavery: The Insurgent Geographies of Brazilian Quilombolas (Maroons), 1880-1881
Yuko Miki

A Catholic Alternative to Revolution: The Survival of Social Catholicism in Postrevolutionary Mexico
Stephen J. C. Andes

Bandits, Elvis, and Other Mystics: An Interview with Paul Vanderwood
Eric Van Young

Inter-American Notes
Will Fowler


Brazil's Steel City: Developmentalism, Strategic Power, and Industrial Relations in Volta Redonda, 1941-1964(review)
John D. French

Nation-building and Nationalism
Mexicans in Revolution, 1910-1946: An Introduction (review)
Frank J. Klackle

The Vigorous Core of Our Nationality: Race and Regional Identity in Northeastern Brazil (review)
Jerry Dávila

History and Memory
Cuauhtémoc's Bones: Forging National Identity in Modern Mexico (review)
Eric Van Young

Where Memory Dwells. Culture and State Violence in Chile (review)
Roberto Castillo Sandoval

Cultural and Literary Studies
The Pueblo Revolt and the Mythology of Conquest: An Indigenous Archaeology of Contact (review)
Susan Schroeder

Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship (review)
Darien Lamen

Juggling Identities: Identity and Authenticity Among the Crypto-Jews (review)
Frances Levine

Writing National Cinema: Film Journals and Film Culture in Peru (review)
Beatriz Urraca

Global and Transnational History
The Other West: Latin America from Invasion to Globalization (review)
Arthur Schmidt

Storytelling Globalization from the Chaco and Beyond (review)
Alberto Arce

The Tourism Encounter: Fashioning Latin American Nations and Histories (review)
Arlene Dávila

Beyond Displacement: Campesinos, Refugees, and Collective Action in the Salvadoran Civil War (review)
Ellen Moodie

A Tale of Two Cities: Santo Domingo and New York After 1950 (review)
Themis Chronopoulos

Translating Empire: José Martí, Migrant Latino Subjects, and American Modernities (review)
Debra A. Castillo

William Clark's World: Describing America in an Age of Unknowns (review)
Lina Del Castillo

Politics and Governance
Dignifying Argentina: Peronism, Citizenship, and Mass Consumption (review)
Matthew B. Karush

The Practice of Politics in Postcolonial Brazil: Porto Alegre, 1845-1895 (review)
Elizabeth A. Kuznesof

Medicine and Politics in Colonial Peru: Population Growth and the Bourbon Reforms (review)
Paula S. De Vos

Religion and Religious Practices
Like Leaven in the Dough: Protestant Social Thought in Latin America, 1920-1950 (review)
Karla Ann Koll

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