8 ago 2012

Gender and society, 25 (6), December 2011

From the SWS President

Ore, Tracy E.
Something from Nothing: Women, Space, and Resistance


Rhoton, Laura A.
Distancing as a Gendered Barrier: Understanding Women Scientists’ Gender Practices

Hoang, Lan Anh and Brenda S. A. Yeoh
Breadwinning Wives and “Left-Behind” Husbands: Men and Masculinities in the Vietnamese Transnational Family

Sasson-Levy, Orna; Yagil Levy ; and Edna Lomsky-Feder
Women Breaking the Silence: Military Service, Gender, and Antiwar Protest

Bobbitt-Zeher, Donna
Gender Discrimination at Work: Connecting Gender Stereotypes, Institutional Policies, and Gender Composition of Workplace

Book Reviews

Kristine De Welde
Book Review: Gender, Culture, and Physicality: Paradoxes and Taboos

Jan E. Thomas
Book Review: Social Sources of Disparities in Health and Health Care and Linkages to Policy, Population Concerns and Providers of Care

Sandra K. Danziger
Book Review: Stretched Thin: Poor Families, Welfare Work, and Welfare Reform

Pilapa Esara
Book Review: Marketing Dreams, Manufacturing Heroes: The Transnational Labor Brokering of Filipino Workers

Mary Johnson Osirim
Book Review: African Women’s Movements: Changing Political Landscapes

Manisha Desai
Book Review: Liberalization’s Children: Gender, Youth, and Consumer Citizenship in Globalizing India

Sherry L. Martin
Book Review: The Art of the Gut: Manhood, Power, and Ethics in Japanese Politics

Sarah Sobieraj
Book Review: Hillary Clinton’s Race for the White House: Gender Politics & the Media on the Campaign Trail

Gilda L. Ochoa
Book Review: Next of Kin: The Family in Chicano/a Cultural Politics

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