13 sept 2012

American Journal of Semiotics, 27 (1-4), 2011

Hirschman, Elizabeth C. and Morris B. Holbrook
Consuming the Vampire: Sex, Death, and Liminality

Hübler, Axel and Jens Schumacher
Nonverbal Behavior As Index of Social Class

Macke, Frank J.
A Semiotic Phemenology of “Contact”: The Phatic Function of Body and Flesh in Jakobson’s Model of Communication

Martinez, Michael E. and Dianna Townsend
Specific Language As Constituents of Intelligence

Nissan, Ephraim
The Dog Ate It: The Fate of Homework as a Situational Archetype for a Pretext. Social Context, Medium, and Formalism

Philen, Robert
Argument and Catastrophe

Guagliardo, Vincent
Father and Son in the Trinity: Metaphor or Analogy?

Romack, Katherine
“For This Is the Naked Truth”: The Early Quakers and Going Naked As a Sign

Essays on the Semiotic Contributions of Kenneth Pike

Donnelly, Eleanor
Pike, Semiotics, and Anthropology

Gorlée, Dinda L. and Myrdene Anderson
Kenneth L. Pike’s Semiotic Work: Arousing, Disputing, and Persuading Language-and-Culture

Prewitt, Tery J.
Meaning in the Science of Signs

Mathews, Stéphanie Walsh
Translation: A Tagtile experience

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