13 sept 2012

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35 (6), november 2011


The Role of the Public Sector in the Provision of Housing Supply in Turkey, 1950–2009
Özdemir, Dilek

Heritage Production and Urban Locational Policy in Lijiang, China
Su, Xiaobo

Production Systems and Innovation in ‘Satellite’ Regions: Lessons from a Comparison between Mechanic Valley (France) and Beauce (Québec)
Guillaume, Régis and David Doloreux

‘New Worlds’ for ‘Old’? Twenty-First-Century Gateways and Corridors: Reflections on a European Spatial Perspective
Pain, Kathy

‘How Can We Explain Diversity in Metropolitan Governance within a Country?’ Some Reflections on Recent Developments in Germany
Heinelt, Hubert and Karsten Zimmermann

Polycentricity, Commuting Pattern, Urban Form: The Case of Southern California
Modarres, Ali

Knowledge-Based Economy and Social Exclusion: Shadow and Light in the Roman Socio-Economic Model
Muro, Pasquale de ; Salvatore Monni and Pasquale Tridico

Journeys and Returns: Home, Life Narratives and Remapping Sexuality in a Regional City
Waitt, Gordon and Andrew Gorman-Murray

Creative Individuals, Creative Places: Marc Jacobs, New York and Paris
Tokatli, Nebahat

Debates and Developments

From City to Metapolis: Making and Unmaking Landscapes in Andalusia
García García, Antonio and Buenaventura Delgado Bujalance

Globalization and Urban Economic Growth: Evidence for Bangalore, India
Narayana, M.R.

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