13 sept 2012

Narrative inquiry, 18 (2), 2008


Making visible an ideological dilemma in an interview narrative about social trauma
Johnson ,Greer Cavallaro

“We’re never been close, we’re very different”: Three narrative types in sister discourse
Tannen, Deborah

Parent-child-adult storytelling: Commonalities, differences and interrelations
Stavans, Anat and Gil Goldzweig

Narrators defend their side of the story metaphorically at troubled narrative junctions
Kupferberg, Irit and David Green

Pre-construction of third-person elicited narratives: Relationships between short- and long-term language change
Levy, Elena T.

The elementary forms of narrative coherence in young children’s storytelling
Nicolopoulou, Ageliki

Embedded stories and the life story: Retellings in a memoir and perzine
Stockburger, Inge

“But I first… and then he kept picking”: Narrative skill in Mandarin-speaking children with language impairment
Tsai, Wanyu and Chien-ju Chang

Troubled, troublesome, troubling mothers: The dilemma of difference in women’s personal motherhood narratives
Austin, Helena and Lorelei Carpenter

Identity negotiation in small stories among German adolescent girls
Spreckels, Janet


Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences, by Catherine Kohler Riessman
Reviewed by Ron Adams

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