30 nov 2012

Journal of family history, 37 (2), april 2012


Ljungqvist, Fredrik Charpentier
Female Shame, Male Honor: The Chastity Code in Juan Luis Vives' De institutione feminae Christianae

Harris, Amy
That Fierce Edge: Sibling Conflict and Politics in Georgian England

Dubert, Isidro
Elderly, Family, and Age Support in Rural Galicia at the End of the Ancien Régime

Kornrich, Sabino
Hiring Help for the Home: Household Services in the Twentieth Century

Andersen, Margaret Cook
French Settlers, Familial Suffrage, and Citizenship in 1920s Tunisia

Tanaka, Kimiko
Surnames and Gender in Japan: Women’s Challenges in Seeking Own Identity

Book Review

Elizabeth H. Pleck
Book Review: Inside the Castle: Law and Family in 20th-Century America

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