14 jul 2009

American Sociological Review Vol. 74, No. 2 (april 2009)


Iddo Tavory and Ann Swidler
Comdom Semiotics

Karin A. Martin
Normalizing Heterosexuality

Diversity at work

Cedric Herring
Does diversity pay?

Sheryl Skaggs
African Americans in management

C. Elizabeth Hirsh
Descrimanation charges and workplace segregation

law and violence

David John Frank, Tara Hardinge, and Kassia Wosick-Correa
Global dimensions of rape-law reform

Ryan D. King, Steven F. Messner, and Robert D. Baller
Past lynching and present hate crime law enforcement

Andreas Wimmer, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Brian Min
Ethnic politics and armed conflict

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