14 jul 2009

Medical Anthropology Quarterly Vol. 21, No. 3 (september 2007)


Mark Luborsky and Andrea Sankar, editors
Horizons and trasitions: past, resent, future

Marcia C. Inhorn, Society for Medical Anthropology
Medical Anthopology at the intersections

Margaret Lock, Julia Freeman, Gillian Chilibeck, et al.
Susceptibility genes and the questions of embodied identity

Kate Wood, Helen Lambert and Rachel Jewkes
"Showing roughness in beautiful way": talk about love, coercion, and rape in South Africa yuoth sexual culture

Robert Darby and J. Steven Svoboda
A Rose by Any other name? rethinking the similarities and differences between male y female genital cutting

Eleonor Antelius
The meaning of the present: hoipe and foreclosure in narrations about people with severe brain damage

Public Policy Statement

Society for Medical Anthropology, Alcohol, Drug, adn Tobacco Study, Group: Mimi Nichter, Chair, Mac Marshall, Roland Moore, Mark Nichter, and Nathaniel Wander
Alcohol, drug, and tobacco study group takes a stand: the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: an urgent call for U.S. ratification

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