13 jul 2009

Human Organization Vol. 68, No. 1 (spring 2009)

Management, Co- Management, and Mistakes

Carlos Garcia-Quijano
Managing complexity: ecological Knowledge and success in Puerto Rican small-scale fisheries

Simone L. Blair
"Of droughts and flooding rains": local and institutional perceptions of environmental change in an australian estuary

Svein Jentoft, Maarten Bavinck, et al.
Fisheries co-management and legal pluralism: how and analytical problem becomes ans institutional one

David M. Hoffman
Institutional legitimacy and co-management of a marine protected area: implementation lessons from the case Xacalak Reefs National Park, Mexico

Ben J. Wallace
Critical refelctions: confessions from the director of a fifteen-year agroforestry research and development project in the Philippines

Special section:Anthropological perspectives on disasters and disability guest editor's: Lenore Manderson and Lakshmi Ford

Lakshmi Fjord and Leonore Menderson
Anthropological perspectives on disasters and disability: an introduction

Elaine Gerber
Describing tragedy: the information access needs of blind people in emergency-related circumstances

Karen Nakamura
Disability, Destitution, and Disaster: surviving the 1995 great hanshin earthquake in Japan

Sonja Merten and Tobias Haller
Whose logie? The local redistribution of food aid tergeting old and chronically sick people in Zambia

Pauline Gwatirisa and Leonore Manderson
Food insecurity and HIV/AIDS in Low-income households in Urban Zimbabwe

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