14 jul 2009

Population studies, a journal of demography Vol. 63, No. 1 (march 2009)

Cheng Huang and Irma T. Elo
Mortality of the oldest old Chinese: the role of early-life nutritional status, socio-economic conditions, and sibling sex-composition

Melena Monteverde, Kenia Noronha and Alberto Palloni
Effect of early conditions on disability among the elderly in Latin America and the Caribbean

Sangeetha Madhavan, Enid Schatz and Benjamin Clark
Effect of HIV/AIDS-related mortality on household dependency ratios in rural South Africa, 2000 - 2005

Feinian Chen
Family division in China´s transtional economy

Arieke J. Rijken and Aart C. Liefbroer
Influences of the family of origin on the timing and quantum of fertility in the Netherlands

Isabelle Attané
The determinants of discrimination against daugthers in China: evidence from a provincial-level analysis

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